February 7, 2010

Walking alone in the DARK!

I decided to take a nice walk last night. I did not have anything to do and had not been out of the house for a few days (and even I, the perpetual hermit, need to get out every once in a while). So, I got my iPod from the car, plugged in the phones and started on my walk. I was smart enough to bring a small flashlight too, seeing as it was 6pm at night and dark. So I just started heading off, in no particular direction for no particular reason. It was fun. I am not an adventure person, so I rarely do something so out of place as walking around in the dark in a place that I know somewhat but in some parts have never been through. It was a good thing for me to do.
So, there I was, walking alone in the dark, and someone comes up behind me and makes me give them my wallet. I pleaded with them to let me keep it but they wanted it, even though it didn't have much in it...

Actually, that never happened, but the thought did go through my mind once or twice. I blame it on my Grandmother on my dad's side. His natural mom was very worried about everything. Well, anyways, I walked down a place that i knew somewhat, and then I got to one of the major streets and decided to keep going. I went out prepared for rain because this is Salem, (but not in Prepared for Rain in a way you would think- I just knew that I would get wet and did not have a jacket or anything. It was raining even when I first got out there. Anyways, I was glad that it was not doing more than just sprinkling a bit.
Well, back to my story- So on this main street I got to, I decided to walk down the road (even though I had not driven it before) and I figured I would come to one of my other main streets shortly and then that would start taking me back towards my house.  Well, I kept walking,... and walking,.... and walking. I was expecting it to be a bit shorter than it actually was. I kept on walking down the road expecting to come to that other road that I needed to see to start heading back towards my house.
Finally, after what seemed like forever, I came to the street I needed to see. I turned and felt better cuz I knew where I was at that point. By the time I got back to my house, I had walked 3 miles. I was expecting that I would walk say a mile or a mile and a half, but I got it my car and checked the mileage,and sure enough, it was 3 miles.
To be honest, 3 miles might not seem like much to you, but for me to walk 3 miles up and down hills around my house, In the Dark, this was a good feat for me. And it was fun.
I would not expect a Kelli event to be all that fun, but it was.

1 comment:

Unknown said...

Way to go with the spontaneous-ness Tim!=)