June 1, 2010

Condon Peace

Well, my interview went fairly well. As many know, I have a job opportunity in Condon, Oregon. At first, I did not know what to think of this. I was interested only because they called me. I had not been to Condon (that I remember) and when looking up data from the city, it was a very small town with very few choices (goods).

After thinking about it, and praying about it, God gave me a peace about the whole situation. I went into this interview saying if its God's Will, then I am happy to be in it. I liked the prospect of teaching full-time in a small school atmosphere. I have really enjoyed the interactions from Perrydale SD and wouldn't mind being in a small school such as that.

Well, the drive was uneventful, but CURVY. I knew the road had some curves to it, but did not know it was this much. It took quite a while to get there. Luckily, I did not get behind anyone really slow for very long. Once I got there, I took a quick look at the school and where it was, then I drove to one end of the town and parked my car. Then, I proceeded to walk to the other side of town. This took all of about 5 minutes. I couldn't do that in Salem, or even Redmond for that matter. There were a few people out. I took a tour through the one and only market. I was pleasantly surprised that the prices weren't all that different from the big city. Then, I took a look at the Pool that dad was saying he remembered. It was not full yet, of course, but looked like a nice one. I walked through most of the stores that were open. Most of these stores have general items of all sorts. One store- the Country Flowers store, had gifts, flowers, bridal registries, books (from Powells?- it had a sign and looked similar), a deli, a coffee shop, candles, kids toys, games,... all sorts of stuff. There was another like it, but was not as scattered, it had a pharmacy and other items as well.
I was happy have people say hi to me and smile. Nice people over there.
After bumming around town, I headed over to the school.
I was there half an hour early- as usual, and so after waiting for a while, I was finally in the interview. It was the Superintendant and the 1/2 teacher, and another lady that teaches spanish at HS and was an aide of some sort as well. Dr. Robinson- superintendant, was the one asking all the interview questions. I felt fairly well about the way the interveiw went. There were a few questions that I did not know answers to. One was what are the HS graduation standards for Oregon and how does that affect a 2/3 teacher (what I am applying for)?  Well, I had no clue. I tried my best to answer the affecting 2/3 question, but told him outright that I did not know and would have to look that up to be certain.
After the interview, the two teachers took me around the school and showed me the facilities. Its an older school but seems to be kept up well.
I was told at the end of my interview that there were 64 applicants to this one job, and that I am one of 8 who were called for an interview. I should know by next week (im assuming, later on in the week) whether or not if I got the job.
I am so thankful for the opportunity and for the ability to want the job, but in the same way, be okay if I do not get it, because I will be back in my hometown (or somewhere else if I get another interview opportunity)

Thank You to all who were praying for me and my possibilities.

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