June 22, 2010

Summer Classes, Toddler Teaching, and Mess Ups!

Well, the first day of class yesterday was IN-TER-EST-ING.
For starters, I was expecting the Summer term to be a smaller flow of students because its not the traditional academic year. Most students take the summer off and start again in the Fall, but I did not take into account the amount of students that are teachers who only have summers to do their coursework. WOU has quite a large population of teachers and those wanting to be teachers, and so that has a factor.
So, I drove up to the school expecting to get a prime parking spot only to find none. I had to park where I usually park, way over by the city park. That is a problem because those are only 2 hour limit and my classes were from 8:30-3:30.
I got into my class and found it alright. It was a beautiful site to see all those large iMacs to use. But, what I was not too happy about was the fact that my teacher for this first class was a regular Elementary teacher and treated us as her 5th graders. It was very degrading. She counted down from 5 for our attention and she had us get up and make a continum of where we were in the technological sense from 1-6, 1 being lowest, and 6 being highest. It was actually kinda funny because we ALL put ourselves in the 6 category and so there was not much moving around. She must not have realized that we all felt confident in all things technology.

I had the chance to meet my parents for lunch because they were on their way to the Oregon Coast for a few days in celebration of their 31st Anniversary. What an accomplishment. I do not know many couples who are happily married after 31 years. Congrats to my parents as of TOMORROW (unless it was yesterday, I always get mixed up if its the 21st of 23) After having lunch and showing the parents around the campus, I had to get to my next class- Digital Music.
We were all there, waiting for the instructor to find out that he was way-late. The staff of WOU was scrambling to find a solution and eventually brought in Bill Hamlin to teach. He did a good job after gaining his composure from switching tasks. It was kind of a crazy time to have that sort of mess up.
Let's hope today goes a bit better.

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