June 27, 2010

Late Night in Salem and Disappointment

Last night, I was restless at around 8 O Clock at night and so I drove down Mission street in Salem. I came upon a City Transit Bus that had people on it, but no driver, so I decided that I would take charge and figure out how to drive this bus.

Well, I continue on the route that the bus was on and figured it out. At one stop, someone got off, but still had other people on it. I found it interesting that the accelerator was on one side where I use my right foot (as normal cars), but then the brake was on the other side of this huge barrier and I had to use my Left foot which was a bit different.

After driving the bus a while, I wanted to take the bus to Costco to get some food and let the people on the bus have a break. Well, we get to Costco and I park the bus and we all go inside to get some food, but Costco was already closed and there was a huge line outside the building all wanting food.

The line was for a vending machine and we we all got in line to buy something to eat through the vending machine. After a while, we head back to the bus, to find out that it would not start back up. I was panicked, because I had the responsibility to get all these people where they needed to go.

Then, I woke up and realized

that it was all

just a WEIRD dream.

Don't ask me why I dreamed this or even remembered it (because most of the time I do not remember my dreams) but I did and thought it was humorous and wanted to share on my Random Thoughts Blog... What could be more Random of Thoughts.

1 comment:

Kelli said...

Guess what?! I figured out how to create a blog all by myself! Follow me.

P.S. You're weird. (Don't let the pigeon drive the bus!)