July 5, 2010

How'd she do that?

So, my sister finally started a blog and followed me, which is fun, but I was confused when I saw some options on her blog postings that I had not seen on mine before. Why does she get that extra buttons to share on Facebook and blogger and Buzz and what-all-else.
It could not have been a setting I missed. It def. could not have been her technical expertise. How'd she do that?
Well, I was baffled. I looked all throughout my settings and did not find anything. I figured maybe it would be a new feature that if I created a new blog then it would show up. So, I go through the process of making a new blog to post on the internet, and try out my post, and sure enough... There were those buttons for sharing. Well, I figure that since it is on a new blog posting of mine with pretty much the same settings I had before, it should be on my normal blog posting. This post right here is to check that cuz... I WANT THOSE BUTTONS.
Well, if they are down there beyond this post, that is great and I will probably leave this up, but if not, I will be very upset and most likely delete this posting.

On another note. I went downtown Redmond today to view the carshow. I had fun. There were lots of great cars, but I found myself like the 1920's, 30's, and 40's cars the best- specially with the Rumble Seat ( the ones on the back of the car that pop out. But, I did not see any as cool as this car that we took pics of in the WOU parking lot a few weeks ago. WOW.


TimKirkman said...

Well, it did not work right off the bat, but I did a quick search and found that I needed to go to my design area and go to blog posts EDIT and then click on the Show option. Glad I can at lease enable that stuff. I looked everywhere for that.

Unknown said...

I like the robots! And think it was pretty awesome that Kelli got some techi thing that you couldn't find.....=)