July 23, 2010

Day Six- A moment rre-lived

Now Katy seems to think that 
"A moment you wish you could re-live" 
means something you would do differently,
but I take it totally differently.

The way I look at the post prompt 
is something that you want to experience 
from your past, 
once again. 

In this veiw, 
I would like to re-live the moments 
when I accepted Christ, 
so I could feel 
that feeling and newness 
once again. 

I was at such a young age 
that I remember very little 
and so I would re-live that moment with Juanita 
in Church 
at FBC Redmond 
after service 
so I could take it all in and remember it for good. 
(That is until I become 100 years old 
and forget what I had for breakfast)

PS- don't ask me why I formatted my posting this way, 

1 comment:

Unknown said...

Good choice, makes the rest of us seem awfully shallow though! Humph, Katy seems to think that she addressed the whole *what exactly do they want for this day* subject in my first paragraph of todays post!! =P