July 15, 2010

Challeging Book of ELI

The Book of ELI... What do I say, other than... It challenged me.
Here's the overview- The book of ELI is about a man in the future in a world devastated and deprived by war and global conditions. There was a huge war, and something broke the sky barrier and the sun is now burning down and blinding eyes (without the proper sunglasses). There are few people left and they have very little. They are traders of goods, and water is a commodity. Cue, ELI- he is a man traveling West and he is walking that way because a voice in his head was telling him to. His only major possession is a book.
ELI comes in contact with a man in charge of a little city that was searching for this very book that ELI owned. ELI would do anything to protect this book. We find out later (Spoiler Alert) that this book was a Bible- The very last one. ELI would read from it every night and he would do anything to stay in contact with this book.
This movie challenged me for a few reasons... One- in the movie they talk about before the war (current day) where "people would throw things away that people would kill for". It just shows our current consumerism and how "I need" we get.
Two- I got to thinking about how many bibles we have in our house. How we take our availability of the Bible for Granted. Some countries are smuggling bibles in so those who thirst for the Knowledge of God can find it, but here I am with probably around 6-8 bibles in my household and I can't seem to find enough time in my "Busy" schedule (Sarcastic) to pick it up and read it. Very challenging.
I would def. recommend The Book of ELI, but be warned, there is quite a bit of "Blow Em Up" too. It's worth it. Thanks to Brice Wolford for the recommendation. Oh, and You will all LOVE The Ending of this movie- it's great.

1 comment:

Unknown said...

So, it's good then? I was intrigued when I heard what it was about and wanted to see it, but Megan was the only person I knew who had seen it and all she had to say was there was lots of violence and she spoiled the big surprise at the end, grrrr. I might have to find a time when my mom isn't home to freak out and go ahead and watch it!