July 26, 2010

Day Nine- A Photo I took

Well, for today's challenge post, the prompt is to post a photo that I took.
Here it is. I felt that I had already shown off so many of my photos that if I chose one of the generic ones that I love so much, that many will have already seen it, so I chose a photo that I was sure that I had not previously uploaded.

You like?

It's a dead fly.
I took it one afternoon while I was working on my computer and saw this dead fly on my windowsile.
It just looked so artistic.
I like all the details of the fly.

"We are food for worms boys"- Dead Poets Society.
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Unknown said...

Umm, wow.....it appears that your fly is down! hehe

TimKirkman said...

Should you be looking at my fly if it's down?, but you are correct, it is.