July 25, 2010

Day Eight: Thank You Letter: To my HS Choir Teacher.

30 Day Blog Posting Challenge for today:

To my HS Choir Teacher:
Swear, you are one amazing man. You were always there for me in school. You gave me the confidence that I needed to be sure of myself and my voice. You made fun of me. And I of you.
You comforted me. You were there to talk about personal things too. You always made the time and special care for those of us who were focusing on our voices. You gave up your free prep period to give us private voice students the place to grow. You spent countless dollars of your own money on Doughnuts for the Choir on Friday after Friday. I still think of Caroling around the Elementary Schools on the Friday before Christmas Vaca.You were available to take time out of your schedule to bring me (and others) to out of area events such as All-State and All-Northwest. You were firm when you needed to be, and fun the other 98% of the time.
 You really helped me to separate myself from my sisters' shadow in High School. It was nice for once to not be the Perfect Twins' little brother, but TIM. That means the world to me.

Thank You for all you did for me and the thousands of other High School Students are Redmond High through the years.

Thank You also for the opportunities to sing at the places I was able to. I will never forget singing at the Blazer's Game in Redmond.

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