July 24, 2010

Day Seven: 5 Things I couldn't live without

There are many things I depend on. The first would have to be my Computer

The next thing that I would have a hard time living without is High Speed Internet Access. I find so much of my information on the Internet and I could spend countless hours on many sites.

The third thing that I could not live without is my DVD/BluRays. I know that most of you know that my collection of DVDs and start of BluRay is very vast and I feel I have a problem with restraint when I am around great deals.
 Warning- This is NOT my collection- I am not that possessed (yet)

And hey, if I have my collection of DVDs and BluRay, I would need to have a Bluray Player and TV. I would not be able to live comfortably without them.

The last thing that I would not live without would be my Music. Of course, if I have my computer, I have my music. It is all located on there, but just in case you can't count that.


1 comment:

Unknown said...

I sense a VERY unifying theme here.....now what could it be?? Okay, is that your DVD collection? It didn't look that huge at yours and Shawn's house, were some of them packed away? And where are you hiding that awesome theater room?=)