July 19, 2010

I Was Bummed

So, last night my camera started acting up... must have been after I took that picture of myself- musta broke it... anyways, I was trying to figure out why the card would not work. I have a 2GB SD card that I have had forever and it would not recognize the card and when put into my computer to check it out, it would not find it. That tells me that the card is just too old. So, I figured that it is time to get a new card and why not go big so I can always add this card to my future camcorder so itd be smart to get a High Capacity card with around 8GB and a fast transfer rate. I checked around all the areas for inexpensive cards and found that Best Buy was having a sale on an 8GB card for $25. Pretty good deal, so I planned to go get it sometime this week.
That did not help for me this morning because I am planning to hike today. So, I went rummaging through my dads office to find an SD card from his camera. Did not find the camera but found the camcorder (that they were supposed to take on their trip BWT) with two 8GB cards available to use. I stick one in to find it doesnt recognize that card either. I dump the stuff on the card (because we already have the footage) and make sure it looks new (inside the card) then put it back in the camera and it still does it. This tells me that its my camera NOT the cards. So, Now I am REALLY bummed. I decide to use an old camera for my trip- 5MP and old wow. I put the 8GB HCSD card in and get the same problems. I finally realized that these devices are so old that they don't like High Capacity cards. So, I found an old 256MB card in my old camera that I put into my current camera and it works great.
Problem solved. Wahoo.

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