July 21, 2010

Day Four: Favorite TV Show

How I Met Your Mother: Season FiveWell, if we are going for currently aired shows, I would have to say that my favorite show is How I Met Your Mother. It currently has completed 5 seasons and 6 is due to start in the fall. I love the way they tell the stories. It's a show that is based on (you guessed it) a narrative of how Ted- the main character- met his wife, telling his children. There are 5 friends who are in their 30s and tells of their lives and experiences. To tell the truth, at times, this show can bit a bit inappropriate with lots of sexual references (especially from Barney) but it is a sad fact that you pretty much can't find a show on prime time nowadays that does not have that sort of stuff.

If we are going for shows of all-time. I would have to say, I have many more. To name a few: Boy Meets World, Home Improvement, The Cosby Show, Frasier, Veronica Mars, Scrubs, and Monk.

1 comment:

Unknown said...

I've never actually seen this show, but I love Doogie!(I can't ever remember his real name) I don't catch many shows that start before 9:30 anymore. The perils of having kids who stay up past 8:30, okay, living with kids, I am technically not the one who has kids.=)