July 20, 2010

Day Three: A Favorite Book

There's a Boy in the Girls' BathroomWell, I get made fun of a lot because of the book choices, but I am an elementary teacher and so I find myself reading (when I read) children's books. Some of my favorite authors are:
Beverly Cleary, Louis Sachar, Andrew Clements, Roald Dahl, Judy Bloome, and Megan Mcdonald.
I would have to say though that my absolute favorite book would have to be There's a Boy in the Girls' Bathroom. This story is an amazing story about a 5th grade boy who has trouble in school. He never does his work and is just a pain in the butt (Do I relate to him?) and he starts to visit the new school councilor and she helps him to adjust his life. It is just a great story and if you haven't read it- YOU NEED TO!
Also, Holes by Sachar and School Story by Clements are very high on my list of Favorites.

Crazy Love: Overwhelmed by a Relentless GodBut, if we are going Adult books (Not adult content, but you know what I mean) then I would have to say that Crazy Love is my favorite. It is a book by Francis Chan that speaks of how we need to be thinking of our relationship with God. He is very challenging in his thoughts.

1 comment:

Unknown said...

Love the first book! Thought the second book was okay. I just didn't like all the computer stuff he wanted you to stop reading and go do. When I'm reading I just want to sit down and read! But, that's just me, I'm pretty sure my annoyance over this made me not like the book as much as I could have.=)