July 28, 2010

Day Eleven: A recent Photo

I don't take that many photos of myself and I don't have many photos that are not mine and so it was very hard to find todays challege posting. Pictures of me just aren't taken that much- probably so noone breaks their camera. But, the story behind this photo is that I was working on day on getting a picture of myself to upload for the top of my Blog and so I took a million pics of my face, my eyes, whatever and eventually came up with the Black and White Eye picture that you see up there, but I am putting this one on the daily "A Photo of You Taken Recently" post because I thought it was funny lookin'.
So, there ya go.
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Unknown said...

That doens't look like you at all! Maybe it's because you've never been that mad at me,at least that I know of! Though I'm sure Kelli has seen this face many times!=)

TimKirkman said...

This is not a real face, just a made-up one. I haven't used it as a legit face.

Unknown said...

My Mom heard Becca and I talking about this picture and then the whole crew decided to come down and see it. It was decided that you look alot like your father at this angle!=)