September 23, 2010

Moving and their Violations

It's been a while. I usually try to post more often than this, but its been a busy (and slow) month. Most know by now of my takeover of the house. The parents are moving and are willing enough to leave me the house to rent from them. This is very special because we had this house built for our family and to me the thought of selling it was very sad. All I have to do now, is find three roommates. WOW, that's really a task. I have posted on Craigslist and gotten a response from one.
Not only is looking for roommates a task, but so is moving; especially when we have lived in this house for 15 years. We are slowly making progress. There are many boxes around filled with mom and dad's stuff. We simultaneously packed up their kitchen stuff and unpacked my kitchen paraphernalia. It was a blur of pots, pans, utensils, dishes, and glasses. The guest bedroom is filled almost to the brim with boxes being stored. The walls are empty of their picture frames. It's the end of an Era.
The up-side is that it seems that the move date has been pushed up a bit if the closing papers get signed earlier than expected. It could be as early as next week. That will be such a relief when everything is moved where it needs to be and my parents can live together once again. Mom and Dad have been living apart for these few weeks because Dad has the new job in La Center and mom has things she needs to finish up here. It'll be such a great feeling when they are all settled in the new house. I can't wait to come and see it at Thanksgiving all put together. Exciting.

Something way off topic- I wave at police officers when I see them coming in another direction or sitting by the side of the road. I assume that most of them don't see me because we go by so quickly, but I really appreciate those officers of the law putting their lives in danger to keep me safe- even if it means I get a ticket or two every once in a while. Well, on my way home from La Center, I saw a police officer coming in the opposite direction outside of Madras. I waved, and the lighting must have been just right because he saw me and waved back. What a surprise. With all the waving I have done to officers, this was the first to wave back. So, thank you, officer driving northbound outside of Madras. You made my day, and I can only hope that I might have brightened yours a bit too. Let us all rise up and thank those officers who put their lives on the line and keep us in check! (Just to clear something up. In my 10 years of driving, I have gotten only TWO tickets and both times the police officers were very kind to me. Both of which were taken off my record by going to safety school- One was for following to close- and the other was a seatbelt ticket)

1 comment:

Unknown said...

Moving is quite the chore, but after having moved so many times in my younger days, it is a pretty familiar task to me! It will be interesting to move as an adult though, I’m sure it will be WAY different!
In all my year of driving, I've only gotten 2 tickets. Or maybe I should say, in all my years of PARKING (the car, empty, not the other kind of parking!) I have been nabbed twice by the meter maids downtown, both times while volunteering at church.....hmm, maybe I should send them the tickets!=)