February 3, 2011

Praise God for movement

The past two months, I have had a guest with me to my church's 1st Wednesday Service. My roommate of whom is not able to attend church because of work schedule, but wanting to, has been joining me for these 1st Wednesday services and it has been a good time. We get some time to talk on the way there about pretty much anything, and then also afterwards we talk some about what the service was about and its a good talk. He is still on the fence with being closer to God, but is making an effort.
Last nights talk was all about Communion. On 1st Wed. we always have communion, its a time for the church body to get together and share in that special remembrance. Afterwards, on our way home we talked about communion and where we were spiritually.
I have really enjoyed listening to his perspective and also giving my own as well. He is still searching, but I pray that I can be a positive influence on him and that I might guide him closer to God, little by little, in time.


Unknown said...

You have a room mate? I didn't know you'd found anyone yet! Yeah for getiing him (or her) to church!

TimKirkman said...

Yeah, I have had this roommate for a while, but I just need to fill the other two rooms. THis one moved in in Oct.ish. I did have another one too but I had to kick him out for being irresponsible.