August 25, 2011


I am usually not a very patient person when I have a one-track mind. If I am waiting for something to arrive or an event to happen, you can forget about me thinking about anything else. That is why when I shop online, I like to get my item quickly. Well, it was not different these past few days. I purchased a large, exciting item online through Amazon and even purchased 1-day shipping so I could get it the next day (yesterday). I waited around ALL day. I would just be sitting out in the main room and listening for a large diesel brown truck to pull up in the driveway. Many times I thought I heard one and rushed to the door to see if someone had arrived. It went like this from about 5-9pm. Alas, I was devastated when I checked the tracking site one last time before bed and the site had updated from "delivered by end of the day" to "Delivery date unknown". This was not something I was used to about the boys in brown. I have had amazing experiences with UPS before. They usually came on time or even a day earlier. If the shipping was between 3-5 days, the shipment came in 3.  Not this time. I even paid extra so I could get it the very next day and it was on schedule until it came out of Portland.

So, Amazon shipped this video camera in super speed. Then it hits UPS and ships from Redmond, WA to Portland, OR in the nic of time. Then, I have no clue what happened. Logically from Portland, the package needed to be shipped to Bend and then out for Delivery to Redmond. Nope. That is not what happens. It gets shipped to Hermiston. Now, since it was being scanned in Hermiston, it should be very logical to think, oh, good, someone will read the package in Hermiston and say, why did it come over here, it should be going to Bend distribution center... and then correct the mistake. Again, Nope. That is not what happened. It ships even further to Commerce City, COLORADO! Are you kidding me? Why is my package (at the end of a day overdue) in the middle of the country when it originated from a few hundred miles from its destination?

Even before Colorado, I called UPS and spoke with someone there, they said, "Oh, it says it is on its way to Bend" (Were they blowing smoke up my butt?) I also asked about why it was taking so long because I paid for one-day shipping... to which they said it was specified as Ground shipping. Understandable, so I call Amazon because it must be their fault right? They were very gracious and even though I was frustrated I did not have my package when I expected it, I was alright with that.

That was until Colorado. I just called UPS again and they say that they cannot do anything about it. As I said, in the past, I have loved UPS. If I had a choice, I would choose UPS over USPS or FedEx. Now, after all this incident, I choose, FedEx. I am FedUP with UPS.


Unknown said...

Hmm, maybe you should give them another chance! Sometimes things just go wrong, we should forgive others of their mistakes and give them the same grace we wish to be shown....and yes, I made myself a little sick saying that! Even so, it still holds true! ;-)

TimKirkman said...

Now, you just make me sound like a whinny, unforgiving jerk. But, hey if the shoe fits right?? hehe. Perhaps you are right. One LAST chance to redeem themselves. After that, I will be like God spitting the lukewarm christians out out his mouth... JK.