March 24, 2010

Can it Be Mo's?

So who has gone to the Central Oregon Coast and felt they NEEDED to go to Mo's because it's an establishment. I have always felt that way. My family whenever at the Coast head to a Mo's and wait in line (because it is usually at the busy time that we are at the coast- Spring Break) and we get our Clam Chowder from Mo's. Sure, its good, and legend (wait for it) dairy, but here's the thing- Is it still the best clam chowder??
I am certain now that it is not. I remember a time when Mo's was very creamy chowder. Of course it has all fresh ingredients, and still tastes good, but there seems to be something missing. I have found that I enjoy the chowder at McGraths more than I do at Mo's.
What's more, we were in Lincoln City today for lunchtime and we had already been to Mo's last night for dinner, so for lunch we went to the McMenamins. Mom and I both had chowder there and THAT chowder was AMAZING! The thickness of the chowder was great, very creamy, and their ingredients were great. I could taste alot of spices. Mom said something very interesting- She said that it seems like Mo's is just going off of reputation now, and not so much off of the need to make a good product. (I'm Paraphrasing) Anyways, I would recommend trying out new Chowder places even if you still like Mo's. There's lots of good chowder places out there, and they don't have to be Mo's.


Unknown said...

There are lots of places with way better chowder, including my house!=) It is just an experience thing, like going to Disney Land and not seeing Mickey Mouse! Besides it's cheaper then most other places isn't it?

Bekah said...

i wish i could try the mcmenamin's from how you describe it! First of all, I love mcmenamin's so you can never go wrong with them in my book :) Your mom does have a very interesting insight. I can even see how it could be applied to life & our Christian walk....mmmm, deep :)