March 4, 2010

Date of Birth and the Theory of Evolution

Today is the Day of my Birth, Twenty-Six years ago.
When I think of all the things that I have been blessed with, a family that loves and cares about me, good friends, health (for the most part), the opportunity to get an education and do what I like, a relationship with the Lord God... I am just amazed.

I think about too, what I have seen in my lifetime so far. Now I have not lived ALL that long, but I lived long enough to see the beginning of the internet era. When I was born, the internet was not created yet. We had to wait for Al Gore to help us out.... Just Kidding. But in actuality, the internet has changed so much.
Take a look at some of the snap shots that I took of some key internet pages when they first came out... on December 2, 1998
How did I know that Google was going to be the biggest phenomenon on the internet?
Im just that good. on October 3, 2003
I don't know why I felt in 2003 that MySpace needed a print screen, but I did. on August 6, 2005
Again, I just felt in 2005 that Facebook would be great someday.

I am just kidding, I did not take those screenshots on the date, but this morning. 
It really has been interesting seeing the changes in the web from the original boring pages to more exciting things using flash and java and whatnot. Back then, there was not much on the web, but wow has that changed. Now I can find pages dedicated to television shows, Dogs, equipment, flashlights, any product you want to sell, even pages on poop (if you really want to find it I bet you could, I haven't looked and dont really intend to)
I used to get online to do a bit or research, but NOW I am on constantly, looking for things, buying things, communicating with others, searching out answers to anything, finding out how to do something in particular, writing my Blog. It is pretty amazing what can be done via the web now.

I am just in awe of wondering what the world wide web will look like 10 years down the road with Web 3.0

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