March 6, 2010

Im not Following the Example!

What kind of people did Jesus like to be around?
Were they the ones who loved him and listened to his every word?
Were they the ones who were in the church all the time?
The ones who read the scriptures?
The ones who obeyed him?

The answer, at least what I have read, is the ones who needed him the most. Jesus did not like to be around the Pharisees, they were people who made themselves look good in view of the others around them; made themselves look religious. Jesus went about near the tax collectors and the sinners. Jesus knew that it did not help to teach and preach to "The Choir" but rather go into the places that no one else went and talk with those that no one else would. He associated with the Scum of the earth in his day. He led by example.

Do I follow His example? I have to be honest and say NO, I don't.

Most of the time, I bypass this idea, by making excuses to myself that I am very involved in my church. "No, in a way I am placing myself around those who need God by teaching in Sunday School and Youth Group (Previously), and I am up on stage a bunch helping to lead others to God through Worship to him..." But, I think that that logic is a cop out.
If I am truly honest with myself, I have to look at my involvement at church (Which isn't a bad thing) and my UN-involvement in other aspects of life (which IS a bad thing) and say that something there needs to change. I can no longer just say that MY MINISTRY is IN the church..., I need to work on my ministry OUTSIDE of church.

I have very few non-christian friends. Partly that is because it takes me a long while to make friends, especially outside of church.  But, I cannot just justify that and say its alright. I need to make a conscious effort to work on my involvement outside of the church.

I think that this will help me in my pursuit of God. May you and I constantly be in a pursuit of The Author and Perfecter of Our Faith.

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