March 9, 2010

Early times

So, as always, I come in late to my College group because of my Research and Writing class. It starts at 4:30 and goes to 7:15 and is in Monmouth and our college group starts at 7ish in Salem, so I always race (not literally) back to church to get there in time for the worship. Anyways, I make it in time for the last few songs of worship, then we sit down for the sermon/talk and Matt starts going about his topic in Romans and then all of a sudden looking at me stops dead in his tracks....

"Dude, those are awesome chops, man..." He is referring to my facial hair. It was pretty funny. He spend about a minute talking about them.

I do happen to be able to create some good facial hair that some people are jealous of. I guess thats what happens when you need to shave by the summer of your 8th grade year.

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