May 31, 2010

Memorial- 2007 (by Dean C. Broome)

Here’s to those who paid the price
And stood atop the wall,
Who didn’t call it sacrifice,
But duty to a call.

Beyond our power to add, detract,
Or honor with parade,
Or praise with words all copper-plaqued,
In public squares displayed,

They held the line, they took the brunt
Directed at our flank.
From general to lowly grunt
Now “hero” is their rank.

For some – unknown – the laurel wreaths
Must rest on unnamed graves.
For others still, their God bequeaths
No slabs or architraves.

For other heroes, living hearts
Still speak aloud their name.
Their daughters, sons, and better-parts –
To memories lay claim.

Some met the foe with angry eye;
Some trembled at the fray;
Some grieved for wife and family;
Some paused to kneel and pray.

Yet, as their hour approached its mark
And minutes became rare,
All gazed into the dreaded dark,
And stood – where we weren’t – there.

We praise with words their bravery,
Their steadfast soldiers’ hands,
That shielded us from slavery
And wrack from foreign lands.

Now pause awhile, and think on them.
Let recollection stir
To memory, through this artless hymn,
Of those and who they were.

(image from

May 28, 2010

Substitute Teaching in an environment with no plans.

WOW, today was a tough day. I had a class of 15 students in a third and fourth grade. No, that was not the problem. The class was an alright class. The problem was that I had very few directions to go off of. Yeah, I have had classrooms before where the sub notes were kinda sparse, but this was the ultimate worst notes.
Now, I realize that in many cases, a teacher is not at school because of not feeling well, and I get that. I know the last thing that you want to do when you are sick is to go to school or even get up and work on schoolwork, but it sure helps the substitute teacher when sub notes are taken seriously and detailed.
What I had today was times and names. Math Circle Game... ELD Game.   Does that help me that much?

I brought the class in and one of the first things I asked was What some of the things were. Some were helpful and we tried to keep a normal day as much as possible, but some I had to improvise and do my own thing. It sure helps to have some activities planned in case of that issue. I had my Fandex of the Presidents and the US States. We used those and many had fun with that. Then there was some other various things that I brought to the table that worked alright. But, as always, it is best for the students and for the substitute to stick with the normal schedule.

May 25, 2010

Problems with PSE8 and MAC

I just spent the longest time trying to figure out what was wrong with my Adobe Photoshop Elements 8 application on my Mac. After an hour or two working on it, and searching for a help online, I called Adobe Support. The tech guided me through in my Mac to the TWAIN drivers and just had me add a "~" in front of the name and it worked out fine. Crazy how a simple fix like adding a ~ will help an application work great or crash constantly. Geez.

So, if anyone else is having a problem with their Adobe Photoshop Elements 8 on Mac just go to your applications, click on PSE navigate to plugins- inport modules and then get info into the TWAIN.plugin and rename it to ~TWAIN.plugin.
WOW, thats all.

May 24, 2010

Where is that Again?

Condon? Where is that again? That's what I keep hearing when I tell others of my opportunity.

I got a call this morning while I was with the 2nd grade class in Perrydale from a number that I did not know. I almost let it go, but was unsure if it would be alright because I have no voicemail now. Anyways, I took the call because it was a somewhat convenient time in the school day. I come to find out that it was a representative from the Condon School District asking if I would like to interview for thier open 2nd/3rd grade position. Of course I would. So, next tuesday afternoon, I am off to Condon.
Now, I knew of the general area of where Condon is, but had no other information. I knew it was a small place, but had no idea that this place was THAT small. Currently in Salem area, I am attending a church of about 800-1000 people. The WHOLE town of Condon is even smaller than that. WOW. It puts things into perspective for me. I got online after my call, and took a virtual tour of Condon:
In the middle of nowhere
Approximatly 750 people living there (as of 2000 Census)
most likely a school of 80 Students (thats K-12)
The classes are in doubles so that I why I would teach a 2/3.
The Grade school is K-8
There is one grocery store
There is only two places to eat out (one of em being the Cowboy Up Cafe)
It seems to be at least 2 hours drive away from EVERYTHING.

Quite interesting information right? Well, It started to make me wonder if I really would like a job in Condon... Now, I am someone who likes to wait on God. I feel that God can open doors and lead me where He wants me to go. One of my thoughts about this is,... Maybe God wants me to be there in Condon? Maybe I will really enjoy Condon!  Another thought that ran through my head (thanks Nate, hehe) was Maybe it isn't really in God's plan for me, but Condon just really doesn't get that many applicants... All questions are going through my head right now. One of the bigger thoughts though is; I've been praying for God's leading a job to me, and if I pray earnestly for a job and God brings Condon in front of me and I reject it because I want something better, is that right? Definitely NOT! It would make me feel like the person who was drowning in a flood and someone comes with a raft, a ship, and a cruise liner and he rejects all because he says "God Will Save Me!" I don't want to be that person. So, I am happy to be checking out Condon, and if God opens a door there and nowhere else, I believe that is where I will be.

Are you working to be in the ever-loving arms of God and His "Good and Perfect Plan" for your life? I'm working on it.

May 18, 2010

Songs from the Loft

I was reintroduced last night to Songs from the Loft. This is a CD from the early-mid 90s of many (at that time) well-known christian artists plus Amy Grant (not that she was an un-known artist, but she was one of the main people) Anyways, this CD is a worship CD that I remember listening to with my sisters. As I recall, the cd was actually Kelli and Kristin's, but I still remembering listening to it myself. Yes, the songs are a bit dated, but remind me of different times, even the reminiscence of our former home on 9th.
Yes, this was the cover art for that famous CD. It had songs like: Walk in the light as He is in the Light,,, Walkin, Walkin, I got the want to, I got the need to...

Where do I go, when I need some shelter, When I need a friend... Back on my knees again.

We can need a little soul, need a little light, in this darkened world, we can shine.

How do you know God is true, He is always there for you, every time, Tell me, tell me tell me

Anyways, take a look/listen and see what you think. Probably if you have not heard them and have an emotional connection to the past, they probably won't be a big deal, but hey, itsalllllgooood.

May 7, 2010

Ingenious Plan for Facebook!

Once I hit 200 Friends on Facebook, I was starting to worry that I was just adding friends that I would never talk to, so I have come up with an ingenious plan.

I don't want to be one of those people who have so many friends that they cannot keep track of. It reminds me of a movie that I watched in Theaters and TOTALLY regretted. Funny People, looked like a good and funny movie but I was concerned with the "R" Rating that it received. I decided to go, and that it would be alright for me. There were some very funny parts, and some parts that weren't as good. There was too much language for me, and the plot wasn't all that great, and I would NOT recommend this film to rent and watch, but there was a part in there that was funny. It is about a comedian and he was asked to show up at a MySpace convention and give some funny things. He sent his apprentice to open for him, and he talked about his theory that the more friends you have online, the less friends you have in real life. Now, I don't really agree with that, because the most outgoing people I know have the most friends, online or otherwise, but I still thought it was funny.

Anyways, long rabbit trail, my ingenious idea that I came up with just a bit ago, was to try to send a message to someone on Facebook each day I am on there. Now this plan is not to send messages to those whom I come in contact with all the time, or friends I keep track of easily, but the friends on Facebook that I would consider that I don't know as well, and/or lost contact with. I started it this week, and so far it has been a good plan and I am sticking with it. It has helped me to keep up with those I do not see regularly and it was fun to reminisce.

May 3, 2010

What's Your REAL Name?

What's Your REAL Name?
You would not believe how often I get this question. It's not like Kirkman isn't my real name, but the students always want to know my FIRST name, they just don't know how to ask it, so it is considered my REAL name. Kinda funny right. A student will ask me what my name is, and I reply, Mr. Kirkman, and then they get a bit frustrated and say NO, what's your REAL name. I got such a kick out of that response at first and would say, it really is my name, just my last name. Then, inevitably, they would ask for my first name. Eventually, I just gave up on the correction of whats my REAL name and just would offer my first name after that question was asked. Most often it is older students, like this afternoon when I was in a fourth grade and a few asked my REAL name. But not always is it the older students, a few weeks ago I was in the bathroom (Don't worry, been in there since too- just not a part of the story) at a school and while I was in a stall, a younger student comes into the restroom area, and starts talking with me, even though I have not even seen him. Who's in here?? he asks, At first I just play like I have not heard him, hoping that he will get the etiquette that people don't normally talk through stalls unless they know who is in the next one and its a friend or whatnot, but NO, he keeps asking, Who's that? So I say, Mr. Kirkman. Then the question comes, No, Whats your REAL name. SO I give it.

Now, I don't know if it is a bad or good thing to give out my first name. I know that the respect thing needs to happen at schools and so I have to ask students I know outside of school, (as in church or whatever) to call me Mr. Kirkman when they are in the school and they see me, but is it alright to let the students know my first name when they ask? I think so, it is just a sign of respect back to them. I can remember many instances in my educational career where a teacher might put their full name when modeling what a paper should look like or whatever. What do you think? Is it alright that I hand my first name out to those who ask? Let me know your thoughts. What's your REAL Name?

May 1, 2010

I Like Big Belts and I cannot lie.

I was reminding myself of a funny moment with dad when I was in Jr. High it must have been...
We were driving in the car, just dad and I, and somehow I had noticed my mothers huge belt that day or something like that. She used to wear really think belts, maybe it was stylish (what do I know about style right) anyways, I asked my dad "Why do women have such big belts??"
He thinks for a minute and then starts talking about the physiology of a woman and the fact that it helps them in child birth and so on.  I was a bit confused to say the least. I asked dad, What? How does a belt help in child bearing?? He starts to laugh out loud.
You have probably guessed by now that dad thought I said, Why do women have such big butts. It was the funniest thing and I remember that conversation even now, so many years later.