May 7, 2010

Ingenious Plan for Facebook!

Once I hit 200 Friends on Facebook, I was starting to worry that I was just adding friends that I would never talk to, so I have come up with an ingenious plan.

I don't want to be one of those people who have so many friends that they cannot keep track of. It reminds me of a movie that I watched in Theaters and TOTALLY regretted. Funny People, looked like a good and funny movie but I was concerned with the "R" Rating that it received. I decided to go, and that it would be alright for me. There were some very funny parts, and some parts that weren't as good. There was too much language for me, and the plot wasn't all that great, and I would NOT recommend this film to rent and watch, but there was a part in there that was funny. It is about a comedian and he was asked to show up at a MySpace convention and give some funny things. He sent his apprentice to open for him, and he talked about his theory that the more friends you have online, the less friends you have in real life. Now, I don't really agree with that, because the most outgoing people I know have the most friends, online or otherwise, but I still thought it was funny.

Anyways, long rabbit trail, my ingenious idea that I came up with just a bit ago, was to try to send a message to someone on Facebook each day I am on there. Now this plan is not to send messages to those whom I come in contact with all the time, or friends I keep track of easily, but the friends on Facebook that I would consider that I don't know as well, and/or lost contact with. I started it this week, and so far it has been a good plan and I am sticking with it. It has helped me to keep up with those I do not see regularly and it was fun to reminisce.

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