May 28, 2010

Substitute Teaching in an environment with no plans.

WOW, today was a tough day. I had a class of 15 students in a third and fourth grade. No, that was not the problem. The class was an alright class. The problem was that I had very few directions to go off of. Yeah, I have had classrooms before where the sub notes were kinda sparse, but this was the ultimate worst notes.
Now, I realize that in many cases, a teacher is not at school because of not feeling well, and I get that. I know the last thing that you want to do when you are sick is to go to school or even get up and work on schoolwork, but it sure helps the substitute teacher when sub notes are taken seriously and detailed.
What I had today was times and names. Math Circle Game... ELD Game.   Does that help me that much?

I brought the class in and one of the first things I asked was What some of the things were. Some were helpful and we tried to keep a normal day as much as possible, but some I had to improvise and do my own thing. It sure helps to have some activities planned in case of that issue. I had my Fandex of the Presidents and the US States. We used those and many had fun with that. Then there was some other various things that I brought to the table that worked alright. But, as always, it is best for the students and for the substitute to stick with the normal schedule.

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