May 24, 2010

Where is that Again?

Condon? Where is that again? That's what I keep hearing when I tell others of my opportunity.

I got a call this morning while I was with the 2nd grade class in Perrydale from a number that I did not know. I almost let it go, but was unsure if it would be alright because I have no voicemail now. Anyways, I took the call because it was a somewhat convenient time in the school day. I come to find out that it was a representative from the Condon School District asking if I would like to interview for thier open 2nd/3rd grade position. Of course I would. So, next tuesday afternoon, I am off to Condon.
Now, I knew of the general area of where Condon is, but had no other information. I knew it was a small place, but had no idea that this place was THAT small. Currently in Salem area, I am attending a church of about 800-1000 people. The WHOLE town of Condon is even smaller than that. WOW. It puts things into perspective for me. I got online after my call, and took a virtual tour of Condon:
In the middle of nowhere
Approximatly 750 people living there (as of 2000 Census)
most likely a school of 80 Students (thats K-12)
The classes are in doubles so that I why I would teach a 2/3.
The Grade school is K-8
There is one grocery store
There is only two places to eat out (one of em being the Cowboy Up Cafe)
It seems to be at least 2 hours drive away from EVERYTHING.

Quite interesting information right? Well, It started to make me wonder if I really would like a job in Condon... Now, I am someone who likes to wait on God. I feel that God can open doors and lead me where He wants me to go. One of my thoughts about this is,... Maybe God wants me to be there in Condon? Maybe I will really enjoy Condon!  Another thought that ran through my head (thanks Nate, hehe) was Maybe it isn't really in God's plan for me, but Condon just really doesn't get that many applicants... All questions are going through my head right now. One of the bigger thoughts though is; I've been praying for God's leading a job to me, and if I pray earnestly for a job and God brings Condon in front of me and I reject it because I want something better, is that right? Definitely NOT! It would make me feel like the person who was drowning in a flood and someone comes with a raft, a ship, and a cruise liner and he rejects all because he says "God Will Save Me!" I don't want to be that person. So, I am happy to be checking out Condon, and if God opens a door there and nowhere else, I believe that is where I will be.

Are you working to be in the ever-loving arms of God and His "Good and Perfect Plan" for your life? I'm working on it.

1 comment:

Unknown said...

I've been more guilty lately of trying to convince God my plan is better! Sounds like a nice little town, really! I know I loved living in smaller towns. You didn't list a Starbucks, have we found a place(besides the moon) that doesn't have a Satrbucks?? =)