June 4, 2010

Memories and UnCondon

Well, as it turns out, I was not chosen as the candidate for Condon Grade School. Its kinda funny cuz I must have put my home phone number (as in Redmond) on my application process somewhere (Who knows, maybe its a default in EdZapp and I haven't changed it) and so they keep calling my father. Dad took the message this morning that I did not get it and then sent me an email. I would be lying if I said I wasn't a tiny bit disappointed, but God has given me a Peace about this job opportunity, even before I went there and interviewed. 

I knew that it would be quite a change for me to be living in a small community like that, and was wondering how it would go. I was starting to like the idea of living in a small place though, but I  knew that I would miss some huge things, such as my home church, and family, and Best Buy, Fred Meyer, Walmart, Target, Fast food, choices, friends, the big-city life, and many other things that I would not get in Condon. (not in that order BTW)

Now, unless I find a different job, I am Central Oregon bound and if nothing else, I will be substituting in Central Oregon again next year.

Now, I just have to convince the parents to let me live in the house if they move so I can find some roommates and keep the family dwelling in the family. I love that house. We had it built for our family and it has such great sentimental value for me. I still think about the images in my mind of when we were building the house. 

I remember as a kid, going to the property with dad and Kelli and Kris and getting to drive the "vette" (Chevette)  all over the property. That was a great time. And just seeing the changes in the house from month to month and year to year. Dad has put so much work into that house and it would be sad to see it go. I would also miss the Hot Tub.


Unknown said...

I don't know, that seems like pretty reasonable order to me, but maybe you meant to put hot tub and Wal-Mart closer to the top.....=) To bad about Condon, and as tired as you are of hearing this, God has a plan!

Unknown said...

just catching up on your blogs, Tim, and i had to chuckle when I saw you talk about riding the Chevette all around the property. Right away I thought of the AA song "Chevette" :) Thanks for bringing the song to mind!