June 11, 2010

My Graduate Status at WOU!

It is SO, SO good to be done with my Spring Term Classes. I am hoping to be looking at A's and a B, or two for my term. I am not expecting any C's. I am pretty proud of the work I have done all this year at Western.

There were a few classes this term that I kind of dreaded. Quite a few were fun and I had a great time with, but two that I just felt lost the whole time, but even in spite of that, I am happy to say that I still expect A's or B's in these classes.
You may be wondering how many classes I took this term because I talk about quite a few being good but two being not so fun. Well, FYI, I took 4 classes- equaling to 12 Credits. Now, that does not seem like such a large amount of credits to take for me because I was known to take 18 and even 21 Credits in my Undergrad(per term), but in Masters programs that is not permitted. And if you take a look at the per credit price for Graduate studies programs, you would cringe. WOW, how can Graduate studies credits be worth that much more than undergrad credit?

Oh well, I just have 2-1Cr. classes for three days this summer of June 21-23rd and then I just have to finish my Final Exit project and I will have successfully graduated from a Graduate Program at Western Oregon University. That's a nice feeling.

But, after that, I am not encouraged to continue my education to get a PhD/Doctorate because my father jokingly says, that would make us (his children) smarter than him and that's not acceptable.

1 comment:

Pastor Mike said...

You got that last sentence right! Can't be smarter than your father ;)