September 11, 2010

Freedom: Not for the Weak Pt2.

It's that time of year again. September 11. 9/11. Sometimes it makes me think, the way we remember 9/11- is that what was intended by the terrorists? Did they want us to always remember this heinous act? While we remember this day each year, is their act of terror accomplished? If I were totally being honest, I would have to say, in part, Yes! It shows us that the great nation of the United States in not above attack. It shows us that these types of bombing and such are not just limited to 3rd world countries or the middle east, they can happen anywhere.
United 93 (Widescreen Edition)But, am I going to stop remembering what happened? Should you? NO WAY! We need to remember those whose lives were taken and we need to honor those who gave their lives. Join me in the remembrance of this infamous day, won't you!

World Trade Center (Widescreen Edition)On September 11, 2001. I was in my senior year of High School and had an easy class schedule that allowed me to go home early. I took that time after my school to be at home and record the news coverage of the day, so as to remember years from now. Perhaps, I will get those tapes out and remember this infamous day. Or perhaps, I will watch the movies that were created from the event: World Trade Center and United 93. These are both excellent movies that depict the events as they happened.

Just as I wrote in my blog exactly one year ago with Freedom, Not for the Weak I have entitled this post- Freedom, Not for the Weak Pt.2

1 comment:

Unknown said...

September 11, 2001 I was at Multnomah, didn't know what had happened, and went to class. I was in complete disbelief, until my prof. canceled class after praying, then watched coverage in the cafe. We had a time of prayer for chapel (i think) then hung out with a security guard and listened to the radio. They shut down all the entrances because of our ties to the Middle East. My dad was a few blocks from the Pentagon, and had to rent a car to get home. Powerful time in our nation's history - thanks for the reminder to remember!!!