September 11, 2009

Freedom, Not for the Weak

Today is a day of Rememberace. Today is a day of Freedom. No, today is not the fouth of July, our independance day; Today is what they call, Freedom Day. September 11. 9/11. It's been 8 years since September 11, 2001 and people are still remembered on this day. For me, this day will always remind me of when I was in High School. It was around 7:30 in the morning and I was being the good student, ha

ngin out in the HS Library, surfin the web before school started. Then, a bunch of teachers come into the library and pull out a tv and turn it on to a channel, any channel really, and I look to see the horror of one of our World Trade Center Towers with black smoke coming out of the side of the Tower. Then, to my dismay, I witness Live, first hand, a plane fly right into the Second Trade Center Tower. It was bone chilling. When I saw this sight, I was mortified. I had no clue why this was happening and had never felt that way before. It was almost unreal to me, but I knew that this was not like the normal things I saw on movies or TV, this hit home.
Please take time to remember what happened on this day. Remember our Brave, strong, couragous, Police and Firefighters who ran into those buildings to help as everyone else ran out.
I enclose the following photos below in remembrance of this infamous day.

1 comment:

Bekah said...

Thanks for this reminder, Tim - it will never leave our minds - that's for sure! It's like JFK - people will always ask what we were doing on 9/11....