September 10, 2009

Dude, where's my stuff!

I have to say that being where my stuff is is the best place to be. As I have written previously, I moved my room items to Salem on Monday, Labor Day. I got it mostly done in that first day and then the next day was finishing touches and getting a few items and registering as a Substitute Teacher in the Salem Area.
Then, on Wednesday, I drove back to the other side of the state to go home and drop off the trailer and spend some time with my family again as Dad was planning on being back in town from Wed. until Friday. So, great time to spend with parents right. Yes, well, it has been, but I also have been bored. I dont have my room items to keep me busy. Granted, I have my computer- I wouldn't be able to get along without my computer- But I have none of my movies to watch, None of my books to read, ect ect ect. Anyways, I am back off to the Salem Town starting on Friday or Saturday. (I Haven't decided yet)

One thing that I did yesterday which was kindof a highlight, I went to the Goodwill to find some new shirts for myself. I will have to go there more often, because I found some great ones; Some for Subbing- polos ect, and some for casual- tshirts and the like. I got about 8 shirts for around $35. Gotta love Goodwill.

1 comment:

Unknown said...

I thought you were back in town! You could always read a book on your computer or we have about 180 more favors to make for the wedding!=)
Your new blog face(or whatever you call it!) is very manly, did you design it yourself?