September 24, 2009

Crazy Tech Stats:
2008- listed 110 MILLION Blogs
Current- adds 120,000 New Blogs each day with 1.5 Million posts each day

YouTube- in early 2008- over 100,000 videos added each day.

The fastest growing age-group for using the internet is 2-5 year-olds. (Netday News 2005)

That's all just crazy right? 2-5 year olds. What the Heck?? I knew that computer users were getting younger and younger, but 2 year olds?? Man, in about a year or so, I am going to have to teach my Niece how to use the computer and internet.
Well, thats all for now, just wanted to share some crazy stats.

1 comment:

Unknown said...

2 years old? What are they looking up? Potty training for dummies(hehe)