September 9, 2009

Aftermath of a Movie

As I wrote last night, I watched Julie and Julia and it was very good. It made me interested in the subject and it was based on a true story so I looked up the actual blog that was kept and it is still available on the internet, not posting any more, but nevertheless, still here.
This is the link to the first post, which is quoted in the movie, pretty much word for word.

But, it got me thinking, What could I do? What could I blog about for that long that would be beneficial to me. Granted, I am not a talented writer, and I am not expecting to have a whole movie made about it or anything such as that, but it still sounds fun. I am fairly loose on my blog postings. I might do quite a few in a row, and then forget about it for a long time, and then do some more, and then leave it again, and so on. What should I write about for a whole year.

1 comment:

Unknown said...

I will definitely have to puruse that when I have some down time!