September 11, 2009

Part Deaux on New Chapter

Now that the Background is out of the way, Lets talk about Bob, Oh, I mean the move day.
I was planning on Moving in on Labor Day. So I could be ready, I was packing up my things and loading them on our tiny little Red Fred Meyer Trailer on Friday, getting ready for Monday. It was all packed up and loaded by Friday night, except a few things that I was planning on using on Saturday and Sunday. There was my room possessions sitting out in the grass in a trailer (in a non-backup position, because I can do it, but would rather not have to back up the trailer, Im not good at that) and it made me think of all the fun I was going to have in this New Chapter of my life.

So, I got up fairly early (but not 4 or 5am early as per usual) and got out on the road. The trailer was covered just in case of rain even though it was not expected to rain in Salem that day, and I in the car with a few fragile items. I said my goodbyes and left onto the road.
The drive was clear as could be. I had very little traffic until I got into Mill City and further into Salem. This was great because I didn't really have the yearning to get stuck behind slow cars or have to pass many people with a trailer on, so it was a great thing. I had to stop in Mill City to get my rent money from an ATM and also to reapply the tarp where it had come loose. I did this and I was glad I stopped when I did because right after I reapplied the tarp, it started to rain pretty heavily. I tried to push through the rain so as not to get my stuff wet. There were still some open areas and a few items did get a bit wet from the rain. Luckily though, the rain stopped just out of Stayton and I had a dry morning bringing my stuff into the house.

I got to my new residence and met with Peter Chanda, my new home owner that I rent from and met with him again and met his son. He had me fill out some paperwork about the house, a contract, and a checklist and such. Then we got to it. I was planning on just unloading myself but Peter was kind enough to help out. He helped me get my big stuff.
In his house, I have been asked to take my shoes off while entering. I asked if I could, just for this unloading time, keep my shoes on so I would not have to keep putting them on and taking them off every time that I enter and exit. He said No, its okay. I had no clue if that meant No, but thats okay, or if he meant, no, That's Okay (as in its fine to do that this time). But, he meant the first one, I was asked not to keep my shoes on. So, we brought stuff to the front of the house in loads and then I took my shoes off and from the front of the house brought them into my room. I thought that was funny, but hey, its his house.

Throughout the day, I was working on my room. I had to get as much done as possible on that day. I was sweating like a pig (Do pigs sweat? If not, where do we get that from?) By the end of the day, I got most of my job done.
One thing that I was planning on buying in Salem was a 4 ft. table. I found a Costco in my GPS and so I was following the directions to this costco to way out in the boonies where there was NO COSTCO. I was very frustrated by this time. I just had to get dad on the phone to get online and tell me an address for a Costco so I could go to a different place. So he did, and I went there no problem, but there was a problem because Costco was not open on Labor Day. Boo. So I had to go to Walmart instead. I got a table and Chair at Walmart. Big mistake. The chair was fine, but the table was WAY too wobbly. So, on Tuesday, I took it back and got a REAL table from Costco, for even cheaper price than from Walmart. The moral of the Story, always trust Costco, Never Walmart.

So, that is part two of my story on my New Chapter in my Life.

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