September 4, 2009

New, but not all frills

There are some excellent parts to Housesitting. Ya know, you get to see how others live, you stay in new places, you get to meet new dogs- sometimes good-other times not, and use stuff like Blu-Ray and big flat screen tvs.
But, there is also a down side to housesitting too. You never can, as much as you plan out, remember to bring everything you need. You always forget something. You also don't have everything you need at your disposal. You feel like a guest in a home, which can be frustrating at times, its not your own bed.

I felt that last night. I had a major headache and was looking all over for some asprin and it took a long time to find. Also, there are some kitchens that do not make sense to me. I am used to being able to find the things I need in the Kitchen, and so coming into a new one, I can't find things easy. It seems that they are not intuitive, but it could just be me.

So, the conclusion that I have come to, is that Housesitting is fun, new, and advantages, but also has a down side.


Unknown said...

So, how was the Pillsbury kitchen, was it hard to find things?=)How was the blue-ray flat screen experience?

TimKirkman said...

Pillsbury Kitchen was alright, fairly user-intuitive but I still had to search for somethings. It always happens that way with new places though.
The BluRay experience was great. I got to see lots of movies in HiDef. It was lots of fun. You really have to look close for the difference though, at least for me. (But You CAN see it)