September 12, 2009

Church Progress so far (Granted its the first)

I got the schedules mixed up. I was planning on heading over to Salem Alliance but went to West Salem Foursquare instead because they started at 6 instead of 6:30. I just had my heart set on taking in a worship session at 6 and did not want to wait for 6:30.

The evaluation that I felt:
Beautiful building- not traditional- not too contemporary- fairly new
The pastor- younger than I was expecting or am used to- Did a good job- not much from the Bible though- We read the passage- 1 Cor. 12 on One Body many Parts
Worship- Pretty good- I knew 3 of the 5 songs, so not too bad. I could not hear the two ladies that were supposedly singing with the leader, good set, nice loud sound, weird intro that lasted too long for the start of the service. Overall though, pretty good.
Media- AWESOME VIDEO about the pastor doing everything to get the worship service ready all to say that he can't do everything, they need people. PPT was pretty boring though
General Atmosphere- WAY WAY WAY too long of a greeting time; I think it should be a minute at most, they gave 3 minutes. I was distracted by whisperers during prayer. They had an extra long prayer time before the sermon that got a bit uncomfortable.

Overall for the Service, I liked it alright, but it is not a church that I would feel comfortable in for a long period of time.
I will keep all my scores of readers posted on my progress in finding the right church for me.

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