September 12, 2009

Guess what I have in the City in which I live.

I just have to say a few things.
I LIVE IN A CITY WITH AN ESCALATOR. Need I say more. Ya know, being from a smaller area, my sisters and I, mostly me, LOVED going to Portland or places like that because we could go on the escalators and Elevators and such. Maybe that is too RedNeck for you, but its the truth. And secretly, I still love Escalators, so I am so stoked to live in a big city that has a few malls that have escalators. Lots of fun. I just got back from the Salem Center, just checkin it out to see what I could find. Its quite a big place considering its in a the downtown sector. I had lots of fun this week looking around the area and trying to learn where things are.
It will be great once bend has its first escalator. That will be a big step for the Central Oregon Area.

I tried to go to the Capitol today, and that did not work. I wanted to take pictures because it is such a beautiful day, but I had forgotten that there was a protest in the area for the Tea Party stuff about Obama. Much to your surprise I am sure, I did not join them, not because I don't feel the same way, but because I try not to be so political and I HATE CROWDS.
SO I will just have to go take pictures some other time. One thing I did learn from a Friend on Facebook- the city is called the Capital, but the actual building is called the Capitol. I have never really realized that. I always used them interchangeably.

Well, that's all for Now, It is very exciting.

1 comment:

Unknown said...

No fair!!! I love escalators, I can't wait till Bend has one. Maybe I should take up a collection............First B needs one right?=) You didn't join the Obama tea party? But it's your to favorite things all in one(hehe)