September 7, 2009

New Chapter Background

A new chapter of my life starts today. I have been working on making this happen for some months now, and it is finally here. I have moved to Salem, Oregon to work on continuing my education in a Masters Degree.
A few months ago, I was thinking about pursuing a higher degree to be more marketable in my field of Education because I have been a licensed teacher for over three years now, and have yet to find a permanent job. This has been frustrating, because, although I enjoy substitute teaching, I have not felt as fulfilled from it, and have felt somewhat unwanted in the job market. So, I decided because there is still a jobless market out there for teachers, that I would instead try to find out more about getting my masters degree. I searched online for different programs and sadly there were none that I wanted to take near Central Oregon, where I have lived much of my life. So, the question was, do I want to take strictly online stuff or go somewhere else. I decided the latter. I found a program that was right up my ally, a Masters Degree Program offered through Western Oregon University. I was attracted to this program because it is a more specialized degree in a field that I enjoy and am comfortable with. I will be pursuing my degree in Information Technology. I also thought it was very fitting having a BA from Eastern Oregon University and then a MA from Western Oregon. East Meets West. Now, if I ever go back for a Doctorate (Which I have no inclination to) I will have to go to Southern Oregon University. ;)

So, I found my school and now the task was to get into the program. I found out that my cum. GPA was not up to par for WOU, so I had to take a test called the MAT- Miller Analogies Test. This was fairly simple looking but ended up being a pain. I took it at the testing center at UofO, so I had to drive all the way over to the valley for a 1 hour test. I get home to find out that my score was 4 points under what was required by WOU. So, I get a study manual and work hard at learning all these different analogies that no one ever knows, and I drive all the way back over to the valley for another 1 hour test. I complete the test to find out that I had improved by 3 points. One measley little point away from the required number given by WOU.

By this point, I have the feeling that God was saying, Now is not the time to do this program. I pursued the opportunity until this point, but after that I just felt that God was shutting the door and saying NO. So I said Alright God. It seems like you do not want me on this endeavor, so I will let it rest and think of something else. Maybe I will just substitute again, and try to find fulfillment in that area. So, I let it rest.

Then, a few weeks later, lo and behold, I get an email from someone from WOU saying that my scores were enough of an improvement that they were willing to admit me into the program at WOU. So, I say WOU HOO. hehe. I accepted and Praise God for the open door. Its amazing how God works if we let him. Sometimes, it is our job to sit back and wait to let God's will intercede. At this point, I was feeling God's presence in the direction that I was taking and so I took the leap.

One thing that was quite a hinderence for me was family and friends at home. Also, I was getting very involved in my new church and so I did not want to leave that. But, because of my feeling that God had opened a door, I had no other option (and gladly) went through the door to my new chapter.

Then came the housing. I was praying to find a place to live in West Salem so I would be close to WOU but also close to substitute positions in Salem Area. I kept looking on Craigslist and at first there was not much there. Then I found this one house that was $350 a month and all-inclusive. The only thing was that the person who listed it did not mention if he was a male or female. I was not interested in sharing a house witha female because I think it would be awkward, so I contacted the person asking more about them. HE called me and I got a hold of him and met with him on a trip over to the valley to see the campus as well as see about subbing in the districts. It seemed like a good fit and so I thought about it, called him up and asked to live there. God is good.

So that is the background.


Unknown said...

God did open quite a few doors didn't He!=)

Bekah said...

gotta say - i did chuckle a bit at your comment on east meets west - that's pretty cool! :) love the story....