March 31, 2011

Day to be Outside!

Today was THE BEST day to not have a job. It was in the mid- upper 50s in weather and I had a blast.
Pixar and I headed into Bend for some fun in the sun. We started out the morning by dropping off a CD for a project that I did from a friend. Then we headed to get some lunch at Carls Jr. I was fairly pleasantly surprised with Carls this trip. The last time that I was there, I was not impressed with their new fries. They have improved them.
After lunch, headed down to the Old Mill area to do a nice walk. We stopped at the Dog park first to meet some new dogs. It went well. We also took a look at the River Access for dogs. Pixar had fun. There were  many dogs there playing in the water. Pixar just kept staring at the dogs jumping in the water to get the balls being thrown. He really wanted to get in too, but was too scared. Let's just say, I "Helped" him in. It was lots of fun. Then we walked more along the river. Today was certainly a Teva tan day, and I took advantage of that. First day to work on that Teva tan and it was awesome.

Today was also a day for filming outside. We are working on a New Hope video project involving Grace/No Grace. It was lots of fun. Everyone was staring at us and our grandma costume, and superhero costume. I look forward to seeing it be edited together.

What a day to be outside for the majority of the day. Finally it felt like Spring.

March 29, 2011

Techno geek freak!

I am a techno geek. You know this, right? I like all those gadgets that make your life easier and more complicated all at the same time. I love to use technology any time I can. That is why a big store to browse and shop at on my list is Best Buy. BB has all the DVDs you would ever want and has lots of little gadgets that make me salivate like Pavlov's dogs.  From Computers and peripherals, to Digital cameras (DSLR please, hehe- in my dreams) to Video cameras, (oh and did I mention DVDs) it all makes me covet (which is a bad thing, if I remember from my bible knowledge).

BUT, but, but, but, one thing that just ticks me off about Best Buy is one simple fact- the fact that whenever I am just killing time (which I do at Best Buy quite often), that is the time where I get two or three employees asking if I am finding everything alright. And paired with that is the fact that when I actually want to buy something or am looking for something specific, that is the time in which I cannot find anyone near me to ask the question. How do they do this? You would think that they would be on the lookout for someone who is actually looking for something, instead of those who are killing time. It happens EVERY time!
This same thing happened just yesterday. I was killing some time before AWANA and just browsing through DVDs and such. Two gentlemen came up to me within a minute of each other. I got sick and tired of saying, "Im doing fine" especially one right after the other and so the second one when I mentioned that i was doing fine I sounded kind of agitated. I felt that he could tell that as well. I felt bad about that afterwards because he was just doing his job and did not know that I had just been approached a minute ago. Next time I will have to be more gracious.

March 25, 2011

This is a test. Only a test. I am testing the ability to post to the blog from my iPod touch. If you can read this it is working. Now to find out if I can post a pic from my touch too.

March 23, 2011

No Bash Brothers at the Dog Park Please!

The Bash Brothers were at the park yesterday. You may remember a cheesy Disney movie in the mid-late nineties- The Mighty Ducks! Well, I love/loved this cheesy Disney movie and currently have the trilogy in my DVD collection, but I was reminded of these movies yesterday while at a  dog park.
In the second and somewhat in the third movie of the Mighty Ducks franchise were characters called the Bash Brothers. In case you totally missed the Mighty Ducks movies, they were about a coach who had a grudge against hockey because of his NHL injury early in his short-lived career. He goes back to his home town and reluctantly teaches youngsters the game in the "Pee Wee" Hockey league. Well, a few Characters were the Bash Brothers. They two guys were big guys who were checkers- which as I understand it, are players who use muscle to push people around on the rink. They were the security. The thugs. The players who got cards and box time because of rough housing. Well, I met the dog equivalent of these characters yesterday (as I have already said like three times in this post).
I took a nice walk in the Old Mill with Pixar as I was in Bend and waiting for a meeting to begin. We started at Red Robin, headed north almost to the bridge at Colorado, then turned around, went back through the shopping at the Old Mill, crossed the walking bridge, and headed under the next street and stopped at the new Dog Park. After the dog park, we went to the next walking bridge at the Farewell Bend park, and then headed back to the car and got some lunch.
Anyway, as we were in the dog park, there were to large dogs that came up to Pixar and were barking and not letting him move at all in the park. He was a scared little guy. Finally, we got past these two dogs and got away from them so they would leave him alone. You may think that since Pixar was out of reach, they would stop. NO, not in the least. These two dogs found another dog to torment. We stayed for a bit, but wanted to get on with the rest of our walk and so we started to leave. As we were leaving, these same two large dogs were doing the same thing to another poor dog, not even as small or young as Pix. I felt bad for the other dog, just as I felt bad for Pixar.
If my dogs were acting like this, they would be leaving the dog park right away. What were the owners of these dogs thinking? They were so hands-off that it was intimidating the other dogs. They need to teach their dogs how to behave in a social setting like this. Now, I understand that it takes time and my dog does not do everything that he should in a social setting- he still jumps up on people even though we are working on it- but there is no reason to let you dogs run the park like that. No Bash Brothers at the Dog Park please.

March 19, 2011

Powerful Pixar Puppy

I have known for some time that my dog, Pixar, was a powerful tool. A magnet to be more specific. A CHICK MAGNET to be even more specific. Everywhere I go, I hear people, especially ladies, say, O He's so cute.!!  At first, it was a confidence builder for me (Just Kidding BTW), but then I realized that they were talking about my puppy, not me. How sad.
I realized that today at the Dog park even more. When I arrived there were a few ladies there that just thought he was the cutest. And then after a while of being there, there were a few more my age that came by with a dog or two that just loved my Pixar and his puppy ways.

But, ya know, if I want to capitalize (meaning being able to talk to a lady, or at the most a date) on this powerful tool that I have in Pixar, I have to do it soon, cuz in a few months he will still be a good dog, but not nearly as much of a Chick Magnet as he has been for the past 4 months that I have had him. He'll get older and full-sized and then people will just see another ordinary dog. I will never see my dog as ordinary. Pixar will always be special

March 16, 2011

Mars Needs Moms review- One Thumb Up, One Down

A few days ago I was happy to find a movie at Costco that had a free movie ticket inside. I love to get movies on DVD that have movie tickets inside because that means the cost of the DVD is significantly cheaper. You can look at it another way too- that the cost of the movie in theatres is free. Free is a great thing for me. Anyone who knows me well, knows I am a cheapskate. I love to use coupons and get free stuff. If I am paying full price for something, it must be worth it in my book.
Anyway, the movie that I got a free pass to was Mars Needs Moms.

This movie is certainly one I was not going to see and pay full price (its that little cheapskate thing coming in there again, I don't go to movies in theaters often unless I KNOW they are going to be good- Harry Potter and Pixar are a few that I make sure to see in theaters.) but since I got a free pass, why not right?
So, that is precisely what I did. I went this morning to Mars Needs Moms. It was the noon showing and it was a very low turnout. There were exactly TWO of us in the whole theater. I was so excited that I might be the only one there, but alas, another dude showed up to watch as well, dashing my hopes of being the sole movie goer in the auditorium.

I am sure you are wondering what my take on this movie is, and perhaps wondering what the movie might be about (other than Mars needing moms).
Well, to start off, the premise. We open on a tween boy who does not like his mom. He hates taking out the trash. He is at that age when he parents aren't cool anymore and he just wants his mom to disappear. (Sound a lot like Home Alone to you?) (Dad is in the picture, but away on business). He goes to apologize to his mother for talking to her rudely and finds her being taken away by aliens. He follows, and climbs aboard the spaceship. The whole rest of the time is fighting to get his mother back and save her from apparent doom.  He has help from an earthling that has been on Mars for many years. And also from an Earth-loving alien who wants to help.

My take on this film? Well, I was entertained, but also bored at times. The Computer Animation, which I usually love, was intricate, but not my favorite. From my book that I have been reading about Pixar Animation, I have learned that their studies showed that if you make a person look TOO believable it will turn people off from the animation. Perhaps that was what was going on here for me today. I liked the A Christmas Carol animation better in terms of looking real though. I would much rather prefer Pixar animation to the Disney Animation that has been done in this film. I got a kick out of the creation of the film though- at the end during the credits where they showed the actors acting with lots of digital receptors was a ton of fun. I was a fan of the end of the movie, but not the middle, it got a bit monotonous. If I did not have a free ticket to this movie, I would not hav gone in theaters. I would have rented at Redbox.
I cannot recommend this movie to you fully. I would give it a 65-70 percent review. It made me cry at the end, but also made me wanna go to sleep in the middle.

March 15, 2011

Im so old, my Social Security Number is "1"

I had two very interesting age experiences on Monday (yesterday).
One was at AWANA. I help out each week at AWANA at New Hope. It has been a good experience for me. I started out helping with technical-media stuff, then went to the office for admin stuff, and then it has become just a Whatever-needs-to-be-done type of position for me. I have helped out with taking over leader positions, and helped specific age groups, and whatnot, just everything. Anyway, I was helping with a T&T1 (3rd and 4th grade) color group on Monday and so that means, going to their game time and keeping them quiet during the coucil time and listening to verse memorization during the listening time. Well, during games, for the last few minutes, the games leader wanted the kids to get out some energy so he was naming off characteristics such as eye color and whatnot for kids to run once around the circle. It was good stuff. Well, at the end, he called out if you are over 30 (for us leaders). Well, as you may know, I am not over 30. I am 27 (and proud of it, Im old). Only one of the leaders ran around the circle. The other two leaders, I am guessing here, were over 30, but did not run. Our games leader looked at all of us who were not running, especially me, and was say by his expression, "You should be running". Well, I had to point out that I was not over 30, but 27.
I think that was the first time that someone thought I was 30. Crazy huh. Funny business. (because I felt bad that I didn't run, even though I technically shouldn't have, I ran the next time he called something)
That was my first age experience....

Then yesterday afternoon, I stopped off at the Liquor store to get a few things, *Yes, You know me, the Liquor lover* and when I went up to pay for my alcoholic beverages/ingredients, my checker did not ask for my license to check if I was under age. WOW... Really?? I thought the law was that you have to ask to see it if the person looks under 39... do I look 40 years old??

Boy, I tell ya, you turn 27 and you get passed off as over 30 and over 40 years old! hehe.

March 14, 2011

Careful how you drive, wine-o

I was restless on Saturday night. I kept looking at the clock. I kept waking myself up. I wasn't all that tired. Why you may ask... Well, I was looking toward a trip home.
I had spend the last few days at my parents house in La Center Washington for a birthday celebration and I was waiting to get up nice and early to head back home to get back in time for church. Well, the problem with wanting to get up early and head home on a trip is that I cannot go to sleep. I keep thinking I will not leave in time and that makes me nervous. So, I was up at about midnight (really 1am cuz of the time change) and so I left. I headed home at 1am and got home around 3:30 and slept much better once I was back in my own bed.

All this to say that I had to laugh on my way home while watching some marquee signs on the roadside of the Interstate- 1-5, 205, and 84.  The signs that I got/get a kick out of are signs that said
"DUI Patrol tonight". Really? So, does that mean that when there is not DUI Patrol that night, they'll put that up there on the board? Or, perhaps, they put that up there when no patrols are out there, and then when there are millions of coppers out to get ya for DUI they don't put anything up so you are surprised? Or, perhaps there really are many cops out that night? I dunno. But I just got a kick out of the fact that they say that there are patrols out to warn you to watch out for those patrols.
Yes, I realize that it is supposed to be a deterrent for driving under the influence, and NO, I was not under the influence of anything while I was driving so I didn't/don't/won't ever- have to worry about that problem, but it just struck me as a funny thing to put on a Marquee.

March 8, 2011

Warning- contents of this blog may contain explicate material

I had to blog about a funny scene in the classroom today. Today, I was fortunate enough to substitute teach in a fourth grade classroom. As I have seen many times before, and really think is a good idea that I would implement into my classroom, there was an activity where the students are to find misspelled words and correct them.  They read a paragraph and look for spelling words or apostrophes or whatnot and correct them.

Well, the funny part of this story is that we came upon a misspelled word- ferther. It was meant to be further.  Well, I called on a kid and as you may have guessed, he said we needed to replace the FE with FU.  Of course there were some giggles among the room and because of that it even made me laugh a bit too, but was trying to hide it as the professional teacher that I am. Well, I asked him to spell out the whole word rather than just the F U. And he did and that was that.

It reminded me of a time in College Choir at COCC and one of my friends raised her hand to ask our Choir director if the sopranos were supposed to hit the F&G. It sounded like FnG. Of course in a class in college, when a remark like that is said whether intentional or not, it is talked about. One of the smart alloc guys in the class that knew my friend pretty well and knew that she would not say something like that on purpose in a certain way mentioned he was surprised at her saying that. Funny stuff. I still chuckle when I think of those situations.

March 5, 2011

Tongue in Cheek Birthday Wish

Some 45 people wished me a Happy Birthday yesterday. Crazy right? That was all on Facebook!!!!

Facebook is nice because they let you know when someone's birthday is and so many people write down a short Happy Birthday note- which usually says "Happy Birthday, Tim" or "Tim, Happy Birthday!" or some variation of that-but what I get a kick out of is the fact that many of these people of whom I am friends on Facebook and wrote me a message, I have not heard from or seen or chatted with in years.

It's like the obligitory thing to do, when you see a name under birthdays, you must go to your friend's account and leave a message. One of my friends was heard saying at one point (this was a while ago) that they haven't OFFICIALLY wished you a Happy Birthday until its via FaceBook... Really?

Now, when I first started Facebook I decided that I would do the whole Birthday thing to everyone, but I felt it was very tongue in cheek for those people that I don't converse with on a daily, weekly, or monthly basis. So, I decided that I wouldn't do the Birthday wishes unless it was a very special person, a close friend I keep in contact with, a family member, someone I see once a week, ect.

Don't get me wrong, its great to get birthday wishes from 45 people all saying Happy Birthday, but there is also something to be said for a real relationship and not just a HB wish because FB says its one of your FB "Friends" birthdays.

I just get a kick out of that whole thing.

On a happier note, I was happy to get many coupons in the email from clubs I signed up for to get free things.  About a year ago, I signed up for as many restaraunt clubs as I could. I signed up for
Red Robin
Papa Murphys
Jack in the Box
and about a week ago they all started pouring in, offering me free things or buy one get one free. I got a free Red Robin burger last night, and a free Dessert from Jack in the Box- Cheesecake- surprisingly really good, a free small sandwich at Schlotz, and a free cream slush at Sonic. Its good stuff. I love getting free stuff.

I am also looking forward to a late birthday with my family up in WA. We are going to get together and have a party and I get to see my new niece once again. Exciting stuff.