June 25, 2011

Agents without a Mission & Naughty Children

So, I just came from Agents on a Mission, and if you take a look at my Blog title, you will infer that I was not that impressed. Ever since I heard this traveling event was coming somewhat close to me, I wanted to go. I was so excited to see Remote Control, Lifesize Cars Characters such as Lightning McQueen, Tow Mater, and Fin McMissile. I knew that I just HAD to go to experience it. I planned a whole trip around it, with also adding some time in San Fran for touristy things, and of course seeing family in No Cal Bay Area. It has been a great trip, but the main event that I scheduled these days specifically to come down for, was a dud.

It was open from 10-4. I got there at 11:15ish and there was a line outside. I figured that when we got to the door, then it would speed up. Nope. I got to the door and there was more waiting down a long hallway. Surely, after the long hallways, then we could go walk around the place and see the RC cars going and have some fun. No, more line-waiting. What was the purpose of the line that I waited over an hour for? It was to get a few trinkets, and to take pictures with the three cars, then go home. I was very disappointed.
Also, there was a "grandma" who was not doing a good job of controlling her little 3-year-old-grandson. He was running ALL over the place and not listening to his grandmother when she was asking/telling him to stay with her. I was very annoyed with this. It was obvious that he was doing this running around and disobeying her because he had NO Consequences for his actions. I know that I have no dependents with me, but I would hope that I would have my little one know what is expected and what would happen if he/she did not listen- in this case- go home without seeing the event. I was about ready to talk to this child on my own and slap him around a bit (totally a joke).

Back to the event- I got a cool McQueen Tattoo, a decoder card, a McQueen keychain, and of course the pictures with the Characters. The cool thing about the pictures is that I was given a credit-type card that had a barcode, and a passcode and when they took the picture they scanned the barcode so I can go online and put in my passcode and get pictures and download them. Pretty snazzy. But, was it worth the wait in a huge line just for a few pictures? No, I will answer that emphatically, NO!! Was it worth planning a trip to Cali around it this event? Again, NO! As my cousin said when she heard my story- At least I didn't have to drive to San Francisco to see it (because that was originally where it was planned to be.) It was but a few quick detours to get from where I was already at a Bday party to the Tech museum where it was located.

Eventually, sadly, the lady in front of my with the obnoxious little three-year-old got to the front of the line where they were about to take pictures and the boy was so DONE that they waited ALL that time, and right before it was their turn, they must have left, because we could not find her. What a let-down it must have been for them to wait all that time and not actually get to the final event.  But, on the other hand, if it was my and my child was acting like that, we would not have gotten that far, we would have left about half an hour to 45 min. earlier because of the attitude and disregard for instructions.

BUT, after all that, I am STILL looking forward to Pixar- Cars 2. So excited to see my Friends Lightning, Mater, and meet some new friends.

More on my trip with pics in the future posts.

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