June 16, 2011

"Christian" -vs- Pastafanarian

Isn't it sad how some "Christian" representatives can ruin things for us. When some people think of Christians, they may think of unforgiving, gay-hating, restrictive, uptight, conservative, closed-minded, droids who want to condemn them. They perhaps might think about a man recently featured in KTVZ (Local News Station in Central Oregon) who said on camera
"But the bottom line is that God is the one that's going to get revenge -- we aren't."

This was an on-camera interview after some vandalism at two local churches. I was annoyed by this because talking of revenge is NOT a way of spreading the LOVE of God. The interview was taken after some vandals went to the Christian Life Center and Westside Church and tagged the churches with crude sayings and talk of the FSM- Flying Spaghetti Monster and Pastafarianism-the parody religion of atheism.
But even with inappropriate behavior such as tagging and vandalism, should any of us "Christians" go on an interview and say that God will get revenge? What should our response be? Should we be angry? Upset? Forgiving?

I know one thing- the comments on that website posting were not very positive of my beleifs. Many were upset, (like me) about the Revenge comment. Others just thought it was funny as heck to have FSM.

Another post a day or so later was one of a more positive note. The expected cost of repairs was around $30,000. A member of the Pastafanarianism non-"Religion" heard about this act that happened and set up a fund to help with the cost of repairs. This is very cool, I think. This member wanted to show that not all people of their "Religion" were extreme like that. In light of that story as well as the story from my own beliefs, I was more proud of the later story. To me, it is sad that the Pastafanarian showed more compassion than someone who should have Everlasting Joy from the Giver of Life!

1 comment:

TimKirkman said...

