June 29, 2011

Day Two- Downtown SF

So, Day Two of my trip to the Bay Area of CA was a great day. I started out by getting up nice and early and driving to Fremont to take the BART(Public Tranportation) to Downtown area. I left Morgan Hill at about 6:45AM. I arrived a bit later than I would have lived and missed the train I was planning on taking but another came fairly soon afterwards and I had no problems getting on that one. It was nice because it was the end of the line of the train station so I had a good pick of places to sit. By the time we were getting closer to Oakland and SF, the train was full with Standing room only. I got off at the Embarcadero and purchased some bus passes and then headed toward the Peir were I was to catch the Light rail to the pier I wanted. (Or at least I THOUGHT I was heading to the Pier. Turns out I was walking Parallel to the Pier. Eventually I found my way there and was frustrated. I got to a platform where the Light Rail was supposed to show up. I waited for about 5-10 min for a train to come. It whizzed right past me. I thgouht perhaps if I went to a platform one ahead of where I was, I could get on. But the problem was another was right on its tail and as I was trying to get on the platform in went by again. Finally after some running, I was able to get on the light rail to get to my pier I wanted.
I started my day by going to the Aquarium of the Bay. This was a nice little Aquarium. It was right on Pier 39. It had a few things inside and then it had an elevator that took you down under the bay and they had two tunnels that were pretty neat with fish and sharks and junk all around.
I really liked this picture of the structure with the Jeremiah O Brian in the middle.
Then after the Aquarium, I visited the Wax Museum. I was not a huge fan of this attraction. I got to see some past presidents though, pretty cool right? hehe.
I went on the Jeremiah O Brian next. This was one of the freedom ships that was in Pearl Harbor in 1944. It was alright, but not an amazing attraction, especially for the $1o that some people were paying.
After that I got my ticket for the Double Decker Skyview Tour of SF in a Motorized-Cable-Car-type. it was pretty fun. I was there at the last minute and so I did not get to be on the top deck, but by the end was happy that I was not, it was very windy by the end and people up top looked incredibly cold. It was fun to see all the sights of the city in one two-hour tour.
Of course we got to visit the Golden Gate Bridge and the park near it. We even had 20 min. to explore there.
Here was a cool church, must be Catholic, right?
Some neat Architecture.
More houses that were built exactly 1 inch apart.
Very cool victorian house that I am sure is worth lots of money.
After the tour, I got some lunch at the Chowder Hut and had a great sourdough bread bowl of Chowder. It was 1pm by the time the tour was done. Then I just walked around after lunch and saw sights and sounds of the city. At 9AM when I first got to the City, there was noone down at the Piers. But, by the time I got back from my 2-hour tour, it was PACKED and I had no breathing room. I had to wait for about an hour for my next, and last attraction- the Bridge to Bridge Cruse.
The Bridge to Bridge cruise went from Pier 43.5 to the Golden Gate Bridge, then turned around and went past Alcatraz and went to the Bay Bridge and then traveled home. This was our Boat we cruised in.
This attraction was certainly my favorite of the day. I guess I saved the best for last. Good view of the City.
A very cool Wind Surfter trying to ride our wake.
Golden Gate Bridge view from underneath.
Alcatraz Island.
Another beautiful city view.

Then, I was done. It was 5 by the time I got back from my cruise and I was pooped. I caught the light rail back to the Embarcadero BART. This also proved a pain because everyone was trying to get home and it was FULL! After some waiting, I made it on one. Walked to the BART- the right way this time, and got on the wrong BART. I was taking the same one that I took to get there so I was going the oposite direction that I wanted to. I realized this after one stop and got off and got right on to the one that I needed to take- to Fremont. I was even able to sit down again, which I didn't think I would because of all the people traveling home.

About mid-day I realized that I had not paid for my parking at Fremont station and was worried I would get a ticket. Luckily, I came back to find that I did not have a ticket at all. I was free. Thank you Lord.
I drove from Fremont back to Morgan Hill, took a quick walk with the pup. Relaxed a bit and then went to my Aunt and Cousin's play rehearsal. That was fun to watch too.

What a long day. More to come later on.

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