June 27, 2011

Day One of the Trip

So, my first day of my fun San Francisco/San Jose trip was great. I left at 1:00AM on Wednesday and had no traffic (go figure) until around Redding. It was great because I could take my speed and when I needed to pass a semi truck- those guys were out there- it was super easy and I never had to wait. I traveled all the way down to Roseville, CA to see my grandmother. I got there around 10ish and we worked on some computer stuff. We went out to Lunch with my Great Uncle Bruce and that was great to see him in I don't know how many years. Then we went back to Grandma's place and did some more computer work until I left at 3PM.
Then I traveled to Emeryville, which is North of San Francisco on the East Bay. It is closer to Oakland. The reason for heading to Emeryville was to see Pixar. No, not my dog, he was with me, to see Pixar Animation Company. Pixar (my dog) and I got out and walked around Pixar (the company). We tried to get a tour, but as I read before and expected, they did not allow tours. So we walked around the campus a bit. Sadly, it was very closed off. There were fences up everywhere. We thought we might be able to find a sneaky way to get into the place, but no such luck. I did find a place to take a picture of their courtyard which has a huge replica of the infamous Lamp and Ball. (see photo a few down). While walking around the place, I came across a few people walking into Pixar with keycard swipers and such. As I was walking past I asked one dude if he worked and Pixar and continued to congratulate him on how AWESOME he and his company were. Maybe that's weird, but I am.
I also saw a few other cool buildings while walking around the Pixar area and had to take a pic of the Emeryville Civic Center.
Here is the picture of the large replica of the Lamp and Ball. If you look in the background, those are tables with large umbrellas. (ella, ella)

After my self-guided, can't-see-anything-past-the-gate-tour of Pixar, I got a quick dinner and headed to Morgan Hill to see my Aunt and Uncle. I stayed with them in their guest room most nights and they were so great to allow me to stay there and leave Pixar for a few days. And that pretty much concludes Day One. Stay RSS'd for Day Two.
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