June 14, 2011

Tamolich (Bucket) Pool

I got the chance to go on another hike today. Pixar has such a blast when I am able to let him off his leash and he can run free.
I was debating whether I should stay fairly local or go around the mountains to do my hike and I am glad I took the extra time to go to Highway 126 toward Eugene and the McKenzie River Trail to Tamolich Pool. It was totally worth it to take the hour drive to get there to hike this great trail.

It starts out in Old Growth Forrest and the trail is very simple to follow; it's well-marked. This part of the trip was one of my favorites because in Old Growth Forrests the trees are huge and shade you well. It started out higher but soon went close to the level of the raging McKenzie River. Most of the way, you can see the river through the trees. There was many downed trees along this starting path but all were cleared out of our path. This trail was very twisted. I found it hard to keep my eye on Pixar because he would get ahead of me and the trail would twist so i could not see him.

About halfway there (after 1.1 miles) the trail starts to climb a bit, not a lot, but it becomes more difficult to keep a good footing because of lots of little rocks and roots in the way to trip on. I especially had a hard time because Pixar was pulling on his leash, when he was on it, and kept pulling me down the valleys of the trail and it was hard to keep my pacing and my footing with him pulling my down the hills to go faster.

After another mile or so, you get to the Tamolich Pool, way above the level of the water. This makes for a nice picture, but not nice if you were thinking you might be able to go to the water's edge and dip your feet in or whatnot. One thing that is AMAZING about the Tamolich Pool is the water clarity. It was the bluest I have ever seen, (Granted, I have not been to Hawaii, and I have heard they have amazing blue water) and you can see every single rock in the bottom. I would have loved to dive into the pool from my position at the top of my lookout.

It was a great hike, at 4.2 miles round-trip and only 200 feet elevation gain, it is a great easy hike. I highly recommend the hike to you.
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