July 2, 2011

Day Three on my VACA

Day Three of My Trip was a part-SF/part-Family day. I started off the day by driving all the way up to SF. I was told it would be smarter to drive the whole way this day because I was planning to visit SF in the morning, then drive down to Cupertino, the after an appointment, drive BACK up to SF and visit more, then home. THAT did not happen. I started out by driving to Golden Gate Park. This was an easier job than expected. I did not have incredibly bad traffic like I thought I might. Maybe it was the time, or something, but I was never just sitting on a Freeway, waiting to go. There were times when it slowed, for sure, but it always picked back up. I drove to Golden Gate Park because the California Accademy of Sciences was located there. This attraction opened at 9:30AM and so I wanted to get there for the opening. Well, I got there in plenty of time and walked around the area.

First I went to this Amphatheater. It was a very cool structre.

I love water fountain displays.
A view of both.
I thought this undertunnel was really cool lookin.
even inside it with the concrete all around and the curve and the light beaming from the other end. It makes an awesome pic.

Then I got in line because there was a gathering already. So, I got my ticket and waited in line from about 9:10- 9:30. After hearing others talk about wanting to see the Planetarium, I felt I should try to see it too. My only problem was that I only had 90 min. to see this museum. I thought it would be enough time, but it certainly was not. I got my ticket for the planetarium at 10:30 (which I had to leave by 11) and started to walk around. The main floor was really nothing special to me, just info exhibits.
I do have to say I liked the Penguins though. They were so cute. Supposedly there is a webcam that you can watch them from home. I need to find out where that is and do it.
There was a rainforrest inside a glass bubble thing and that was pretty neat too, but I had to wait in line a long time for that. It was annoying, especially when I was short on time as it was. But, I was able to go in there. It was pretty neat.
There were all sorts of plants in there.
A hundreds of butterflies.
The aquarium part looked really neat, but I was not able to see it because I just saw it on my way out when I was running late.

I also saw the Planetarium show which was really awesome in terms of visuals, but really weak in terms of Audio because it was about "LIFE" and talked about Billions of years ago and blah blah blah. I didn't pay attention to what was being said, but just viewed the sights.

After the Cal Academy of Sciences, I drove back down to Cupertino for an exciting tour- Apple Inc. I got there and was amazed at all the people going to see the place. Unlike Google and Pixar, Apple was smart enough to make a company store that the general public could go and buy Apple products and t-shirts and junk. I would have loved to get some stuff, but I was starting to run low on money. Anyway, after waiting for my cuz to show up, he got there and I met his friend at Apple that was taking us on the tour. Mr. Chitwood was an awesome guy and he got us into all the behind-the-scenes places. We got to see the 103" plasma screens they used for conferences and trainings. We got to see the rooms with their own indendant wireless networks so that the room toys- MacBooks, iPad, ect would talk to eachother over the wireless. We got to see Cafe Macs. I salivated over the Video production rooms that he showed up. WOW! I still salivate just thinking about it.

After Apple tour, I was originally planning to drive BACK to San Francisco and do more touristy things, but I was so tired of people and driving and such that I decided I would not do that. The rest of the family went to Cars 2 and I really wanted to go as well, but it just did not work out. But instead I drove to Google to see if I could get in.. I could not, but can now say that I have been there. Then I drove back to Morgan Hill and relaxed for a while. It was nice to spend some time by myself (with Pixar of course). I relaxed and just enjoyed the silence. I got a call a bit later to meet the family for dinner, and so I drove Back into town to have dinner with everyone and that was a great time too. Good pizza and good conversations.

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