July 7, 2011

Phone Calls and Girly Voices (with some references)

Last night I got quite an annoying phone call. You may be wondering what might make it annoying? Well, I am glad you asked. For starters, it was a phone call on my cell that was in the middle of watching one of my favorite movies- Cars. AND, that movie was at church with an audience and so I felt bad as it was, because I was being loud with my ringing. Then, I go to answer and the stupid telemarketer was not answering at first. I kept saying hello? Hello? and it took forever for them to answer. Then, as if that was not enough, he asked for Timothy Kirkman. I said, this is Tim. Then again, he said, I am looking to speak with Timothy Kirkman. Again, This is Tim. "Ma'am, I need to speak with Timothy"  After that point, I just got so fed up with this unintellegent person, that I hung up.

Now, I know I have a high voice and at points I get a bit self-consious about that, but honestly, if you ask twice and the person says they are that person you are looking for, even if their voice sounds higher than a normal voice does, you should just move on.

Was this the first time I was mistaken for a girly voice on the phone? Not by a long shot. I am very often mistaken for a ladies voice. I don't know how many times I have answered the phone at home when I was growing up and was mistaken for my mother or my sisters, (never dad). I have just learned to deal with it and when answering the phone later on, I would answer the phone"Kirkman residence, this is Tim" It helped.
There are the obvious bad parts to having a high voice (as I mentioned above), but there are also some good parts. I can sing very high. God gave me my voice and I love to use it for his Glory. I can sing higher than many other because of my unique gifts. Also yesterday, we were practicing with the chillin's for leading VBS songs and Michelle Martin (you like how I referenced you in my Blog) said that some of the Jacob Looper-y parts were mine to sing, and I could (if I wanted too, but that's not really me) If I had a barely-tone voice (Baritone) I would not be able to sing those high Looper-y parts.

God made me special and He loves me very much. Goodbye


mimartin said...

I've made the big time now..... Referenced in your blog! Your voice is perfect!

Kelli said...


Unknown said...

Poor Tim! I hate telemarketers!

bobbi said...

I know exactly what your talking about I have a deeper voice and with my name without the Sue in it alot of bill people or telemarketers call me Sir. It is so frustrating but when I say excuse that is would be Miss there tone of voice changes like you can tell they are totally embarassesed. But anyways I can definitely relate and feel your frustration:)