July 4, 2011

Day Five- Sunday is Coming

So, there are no pictures for this day. I didn't take pictures at all in the day.
It started out waking up nice and early at Bryan's house. I watched some Rocky and Bullwinkle- Awesome Show. At 9ish I logged on to my church's UStream account and watched the church sermon live. I have never done this and it was a good experience. It was fun to be hundreds of miles away and be able to log in and still see my home church. I had to do a bit of technical support for my tricaster operator, but we got the bugs fixed and I was able to watch at least part of the sermon from home.

Then, I got a quick breakfast at MickeyDs and headed to the mega-church where I was meeting the Luzods. We successfully met up and Tom took me through the church to drop off his daughter and then go to the sanctuary. This WAS(is) a mega-church, but honestly not has huge as I expected. They have a sanctuary (do they call it an Auditorium to make it sound less churchy?) that probably held 800-1000 and they have multiple services. Lots of building space for this church. I really liked the Theater seating. It was a good experience for me. The worship was very recognizable. I only did not know one of the songs.
After church, we went out to InNOut. Good food of course. I am always amazed at how busy that place is. I was happy that we ate outside because I was able to go get Pixar from the car and he joined us. Everyone around the place loved Pixar. He is just such a good dog, what's not to love. (more on that later) After lunch, I went searching for a Leash-Free Dog Park. After a bit of searching and driving, I found one but was not all that impressed. It was a tiny edge of a huge park. What I did not like was it had gravel, Bark dust, and fake grass. It was kinda boring, so Pixar and I just got his Chuck It and found an empty corner of the park and I threw his ball for quite a while out there. We just chilled for a while under a tree and enjoyed the beautiful day and then we set out to find Tom and Karina's house. We hung out with them for a few hours. It was great to be able to talk with my cousins for a while that I had not seen in so long.
When we got there Pixar needed some water after all that running and heat. So he drank up lots and lots of water. Then a few hours later he was whining so I took him outside. He peed a bit. Then a little while later he was whining again. This time I did not listen to him. Well, I should have. Lets just put it that way. He stood there, luckily on the hard floor, and peed for what seemed like 4 minutes. It was pretty funny to watch, but I also felt bad because he was peeing on their floor. Oh well, next time Ill learn.

And another sad thing, Alexis was not feeling well either.
That night after visiting with Luzods, I drove back to Morgan Hill, stayed the night there and left nice and early on Monday morning for home- around 1:30AM.

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