July 4, 2011

Upstaging And Advertising

So, I went to the 4th of July Parade in Redmond this morning and got a kick out of some things. First off, Redmond's 4th Parade is a big deal. There are many people there. It is a fun parade to watch, especially for kids who are candy grabbers.
The first thing that I got such a kick out of was a local church- Im pretty sure it was Desert Song was giving away lots and lots of bottled waters to everyone up and down the parade. What I thought was cool is they were not advertising their church at all- They had red shirts on that said Revolution of Hope, but nothing else. I was looking for a signifier on the back of their shirts or something, but nothing. I only am fairly certain it is Desert Song because I have met the pastor and he was in the middle of it. I thought it was cool because a church is meant to be hands and feet of God, not an advertisement for their church or their good works. So, this was definitely a high of the parade, even though I did not get a water, didn't need it. One other really cool thing was there was a gentleman who was following them and trying to SELL water and energy drinks for $1 and $3. Poor guy, I am sure got NO sales because of the church Upstaging him and giving it away for free.

Another part to this Parade was a float/flatbed of Highland Baptist Church. All their float/flat was a group of members walking and dancing in front of it and then a band playing songs, mostly patriotic. It was a big advertisement for their church. I was not that impressed. Don't get me wrong, I love Highland Baptist, I even went there for a while and have no beef with them, but I just feel that Desert Song was showing God's love to the people at the parade more than advertising their church. I think that is radical!

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