July 30, 2011

Kids Say the Darnedest Things

I am happy to have time with my family- Mom, Dad, Sister- Kristin, and nieces. Today we had a great laugh. After putting Arianna down for a nap, she was up and running around. My sister came back from an outing and I asked her if Aria could have an O-R-E-O. She said if she had lunch it would be okay. She didn't really have that yet, so we got a half of a sandwich out for her lunch tempting her that if she finished her sandwich she could have the Oreo Cookie. She started away at it and was practically done when "Grandpa" came in and asked why she was eating lunch to which she replied "for the cookie". We all got a huge kick out of that true Kids-Say-The-Darnedest-Things-Response out of the mouth of the two and a half year old.

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