July 14, 2011

Intense Waiting and Letdown

How sad is it?! I have been waiting for about 6 months for something to happen. What? you may ask... Apple to release OSX LION! Back in January, I first saw the updated software- Lion introduced by Steve Jobs and the Apple team. It looked amazing and I was sure I would like it on my Mac. Then they dropped the bomb... Summer 2011.

WOW, that meant I had to wait for months to get this update.  Then a few months later, I found out a bit more specific date range- July 2011. Now it is July and everywhere I follow keeps on getting my hopes up and then dashing them hard against the rocks.  I follow a few feeds about Apple and many sources said around the 1st of July that they expected the software update to come out on July 6th, right after the holiday. Then July 6th came and went.

Then it went to July 14th, today. Everywhere was saying, Yup, it's going to come out July 14th. They even talked last night about how the UK was going to be getting its update late last night. So, I fully expected to wake up this morning to an email from Apple saying Lion was available. When I did not see that, I was expecting to head to my blog to see signs of the update in my feeds from Cult of Mac and other sites. Nope, not there either.  How disappointing. Many of you probably don't really care about new software updates and wanting to get them on the day they come out, but I sure do. I was looking forward to taking some time today and downloading the software and playing with it to see what was fun and new and cool.

Now, they are saying don't give up hope for a today release, (it might happen at 10AM) but I really doubt it. Now, it is looking more like a release of next Wednesday or Thursday. It could even be as late as the 31st and still be on time according to Apples release month. Now, I get to sit and wait more.

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