July 24, 2011

Camping and Swiming

I went on a camping trip this last Thursday through Sunday (today). My HUB group from New Hope (young adult/College/Career). It was awesome. There were just three of us there on Thursday night, but then Friday it all started to kick in. We had about 15 for most of the time after that. Some came on Friday afternoon, most came Friday Night, then some came saturday for the day and hung out with us. We did a whole lot of relaxing and fellowshiping. It was great. We talked and teased. We had three dogs there pretty much the whole time. It was great. The weather was great and I have a slight sunburn to prove it.

Ever since I got Pixar, I have wanted him to be a Water Dog. He is a Labrador Retriever afterall. Well, he was not a fan of it. I tried to get him to go in the water and he would NOT! After a while I just took him in partway and gently dropped him down in the water praising him all the way through. He never got it---- Until this Trip.
I took him down to the beach on Friday morning and dripped him him. He wanted to get back out right away. We did. Then later, we came back and I did the same, he wanted to get back out, so we did. Then I tried the whole throw a stick in just a tiny bit, he got it. Then we did a bit more and a bit farther. He did it and got praise. Eventually, he BECAME a Water Dog. I was so proud and happy that now I have a dog that likes the water.
He had so much stamina too. He was swimming all over the place. He loved it. He would chase after sticks that got thrown and wouldn't stop. I just hope that he STAYS a Water Dog and doesn't forget what he learned and how much fun it is.

Then after our camping with the HUB, I get to, now, be at more camping with Salem First Baptist H2O camp for the Youth as the Videographer. It is great, and I am having fun. It's awesome to be able to see some friends I have not seen in over a year.

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